Afrikaans | Trainwreck Casanova

Treinwrak Casanova – B1

Hoofstuk 9: Die Verhoor

Die hofsaal was vol opwinding toe Steve se verhoor begin het. Hy het senuweeagtig gesit en rondbeweeg in sy stoel terwyl sy verdedigingsadvokaat, Nigel, hom probeer troos het.

"Moenie bekommerd wees nie, Steve. Ons het dit. Ons het 'n sterk verdediging en sal seker maak die jurie weet die waarheid," het Nigel gesê en Steve op die skouer geklop.

"Goed, maar dit is moeilik om nie bekommerd te wees nie, Nigel. Dit voel asof almal teen my is," antwoord Steve en kyk in die kamer rond na die ernstige gesigte van die jurie.

Terwyl die vervolging hul saak begin het, het Steve geluister hoe die vroue een vir een hul stories vertel. Die aanklaer, 'n slim vrou genaamd Victoria, het moeilike vrae gevra wat die hofsaal laat snak het na die skokkende besonderhede.

"So, juffrou Hayes, sê jy dat meneer Thompson jou in die swembad laat ingaan het gevul met geklopte room, heuning en aarbeikonfyt?" Victoria het die eerste van die vyf vroue gevra.

“Ja, dis reg,” sê juffrou Hayes, haar stem bewe. “Hy het gesê dit sal pret wees, maar toe ek probeer weggaan, het hy kwaad geword en my laat bly.”

Die verhoor het op 'n soortgelyke manier vir die ander vier vroue voortgegaan, met Victoria wat gewys het hoe hul ervarings soortgelyk was om 'n saak teen Steve te bou. Maar Nigel het nie moed opgegee nie en het Steve sterk verdedig en probleme in die vervolging se storie gevind.

"Lede van die jurie," het Nigel sy finale verklaring begin, "die stories wat jy vandag gehoor het, kan dalk skokkend wees, maar dit is belangrik om te verstaan dat hierdie gebeure deur almal saamgestem is. My kliënt, Steve Thompson, het nooit bedoel om enige van die mense seer te maak nie. hierdie vroue. Dit is duidelik dat dit 'n hartseer misverstand is, en die media het dit vererger."

Terwyl die jurie oorbly om te besluit, het Steve na Nigel gekyk, nie seker wat sou gebeur nie. "Dink jy hulle sal ons glo?"

Nigel sug. "Dit is moeilik om te sê, Steve. Maar ons het ons bes gedoen. Nou wag ons."

Ure later het die jurie teruggekom met hul besluit. Die leier het gestaan en met die hof gepraat. “U Edelagbare, ons vind die beskuldigde, Steve Thompson, onskuldig op alle aanklagte.”

Steve haal asem en voel verlig toe hy na Nigel draai. “Dankie,” fluister hy met trane in sy oë.

Nigel knik ernstig. "Jy is welkom, Steve. Maar onthou, dit is nie die einde nie. Jy het nog 'n lang pad om te gaan om jou lewe te herbou."

Die hofsaal het leeg geraak, en Steve het oor die verhoor en die besluit nadink. Hy het geweet dat, al is hy onskuldig bevind, sy reputasie en toekoms reeds geskaad is.

Chapter 9: The Trial

The courtroom was full of excitement as Steve's trial started. He sat nervously, moving about in his chair while his defence lawyer, Nigel, tried to comfort him.

"Don't worry, Steve. We've got this. We have a strong defence and will make sure the jury knows the truth," Nigel said, patting Steve on the back.

"Alright, but it's hard not to worry, Nigel. It feels like everyone is against me," Steve answered, looking around the room at the serious faces of the jury.

As the prosecution started their case, Steve listened to the women tell their stories one by one. The prosecutor, a clever woman named Victoria, asked difficult questions that made the courtroom gasp at the shocking details.

"So, Miss Hayes, you say that Mr. Thompson made you go into the pool filled with whipped cream, honey, and strawberry jam?" Victoria asked the first of the five women.

"Yes, that's right," Miss Hayes said, her voice shaking. "He said it would be fun, but when I tried to leave, he became angry and made me stay."

The trial went on in a similar way for the other four women, with Victoria showing how their experiences were similar to build a case against Steve. But Nigel didn't give up and defended Steve strongly, finding problems in the prosecution's story.

"Members of the jury," Nigel began his final statement, "the stories you've heard today might be shocking, but it's important to understand that these events were agreed by everyone. My client, Steve Thompson, never meant to hurt any of these women. It's clear that this is a sad misunderstanding, and the media has made it worse."

As the jury left to decide, Steve looked at Nigel, not sure what would happen. "Do you think they'll believe us?"

Nigel sighed. "It's hard to say, Steve. But we've done our best. Now, we wait."

Hours later, the jury came back with their decision. The leader stood and spoke to the court. "Your Honour, we find the defendant, Steve Thompson, not guilty on all charges."

Steve breathed out, feeling relieved as he turned to Nigel. "Thank you," he whispered, tears in his eyes.

Nigel nodded seriously. "You're welcome, Steve. But remember, this isn't the end. You still have a long way to go to rebuild your life."

The courtroom emptied, leaving Steve to think about the trial and the decision. He knew that, even though he was found not guilty, his reputation and future had already been damaged.