Catalan | The Unlikely Idols
Els ídols improbables - A1
Capítol 4: El gran dia
Ryoichi va dir a les dones Twelve Forever: "Demà, sortirà la nostra cançó 'Boys in My Heart'. A algunes persones potser no els agradarà, però a moltes ho faran".
Va sortir la cançó i la gent en va parlar. A alguns els va agradar, a altres no. Les dones es van mantenir fortes.
Un dia, la Naoko va dir: "La nostra cançó està entre les 20 primeres!" Estaven contents i van celebrar junts el seu èxit.
Chapter 4: The Big Day
Ryoichi told the Twelve Forever women, "Tomorrow, our song 'Boys in My Heart' comes out. Some people might not like it, but many will."
The song came out and people talked about it. Some liked it, some didn't. The women stayed strong.
One day, Naoko said, "Our song is in the top 20!" They were happy and celebrated their success together.