Catalan | The Unlikely Idols
Els ídols improbables - A1
Capítol 2: El Santuari
La Yoko va ensenyar un gran pis a Setagaya als seus amics. "Això és perfecte per al nostre grup!" ella va dir.
Emiko va preguntar: "Ens ho podem permetre?" Yukiko va respondre: "Podem utilitzar els nostres diners junts".
L'endemà, van visitar el pis. Els va encantar i es van mudar. Van decidir el nom "Twelve Forever" per al seu grup.
Al pis, practicaven cant i ball. Es van fer amics íntims i estaven emocionats pel seu futur.
Chapter 2: The Sanctuary
Yoko showed a big flat in Setagaya to her friends. "This is perfect for our group!" she said.
Emiko asked, "Can we afford it?" Yukiko replied, "We can use our money together."
The next day, they visited the flat. They loved it and moved in. They decided on the name "Twelve Forever" for their group.
In the flat, they practised singing and dancing. They became close friends and were excited for their future.