Catalan | The Unlikely Idols
Els ídols improbables - A2
Capítol 7: El trist esdeveniment
Un matí, Twelve Forever va trobar un nen de 13 anys sense vida al seu pis de Setagaya. Estaven molt molestos i no sabien què fer.
La Yoko va dir: "Qu-què fem? Aquest és un mal somni".
Emiko va cridar: "Hem de trucar a la policia. No ho podem amagar".
Van trucar a la policia i la notícia es va estendre ràpidament. La gent estava enfadada i la imatge del grup es va malmetre.
Akiko va preguntar: "Què ens passarà?"
Sachiko va dir: "Ens hem de mirar a nosaltres mateixos i veure què ha fallat".
Les dones estaven molt tristes i no sabien què els depara el seu futur.
La Noriko va dir: "Volíem demostrar que l'edat no importava. Però ho hem destruït tot".
Junko va afegir: "Ens hem de recolzar mútuament i fer les coses bé".
Van intentar entendre la seva nova situació a mesura que avançava la investigació i la gent parlava cada cop més d'ells. El seu futur semblava fosc i no sabien com arreglar les seves vides trencades.
Chapter 7: The Sad Event
One morning, Twelve Forever found a 13-year-old boy with no life in their Setagaya flat. They were very upset and didn't know what to do.
Yoko said, "W-what do we do? This is a bad dream."
Emiko cried, "We must call the police. We can't hide it."
They called the police, and the news spread quickly. People were angry, and the group's image was damaged.
Akiko asked, "What will happen to us?"
Sachiko said, "We need to look at ourselves and see what went wrong."
The women were very sad and didn't know what their future held.
Noriko said, "We wanted to show age didn't matter. But we've destroyed everything."
Junko added, "We must support each other and make things right."
They tried to understand their new situation as the investigation went on and people talked about them more and more. Their future seemed dark, and they didn't know how to fix their broken lives.