Catalan | The Unlikely Idols

Els ídols improbables - A2

Capítol 11: L'accident

Un vespre, Emiko es va sentir molt molest. Va beure massa i va decidir conduir el seu cotxe. Conduïa massa ràpid i es va estavellar contra un arbre. Emiko es va fer mal i ara fa servir una cadira de rodes.

La Yoko va visitar l'Emiko a l'hospital. Ella va dir: "Emiko, no m'ho puc creure. Ens hauríem d'ajudar, però no sé què fer".

Emiko va plorar i va dir: "Ho sento molt, Yoko. M'he equivocat. T'he decepcionat a tu i a mi també".

Els seus amics de Twelve Forever van donar suport a Emiko. L'Ayako va dir: "Emiko, no estàs sol. T'ajudarem".

La Chieko va afegir: "Sí, Emiko. Estem tots aquí per a tu, com si ho fossis per a nosaltres".

Emiko sabia que tenia el suport dels seus amics i que l'ajudarien a reconstruir la seva vida.

Chapter 11: The Accident

One evening, Emiko felt very upset. She drank too much and decided to drive her car. She was driving too fast and crashed into a tree. Emiko was hurt badly and now uses a wheelchair.

Yoko visited Emiko in the hospital. She said, "Emiko, I can't believe this. We should help each other, but I don't know what to do."

Emiko cried and said, "I'm so sorry, Yoko. I made a mistake. I let you down and myself too."

Her friends from Twelve Forever supported Emiko. Ayako said, "Emiko, you're not alone. We'll help you."

Chieko added, "Yes, Emiko. We're all here for you, like you were for us."

Emiko knew she had her friends' support and they would help her rebuild her life.