Catalan | Jaap in Moscow
Jaap a Moscou – A2
Capítol 7: Amor en temps difícils
Tot i que Jaap i Nadya tenien opinions diferents sobre alguns temes, el seu amor es va mantenir fort. Es van ajudar mútuament en els moments difícils que van viure.
Un vespre, en Jaap li va dir a la Nadya: "Tu ets la meva pedra, Nadya. No m'hi podria arreglar sense tu".
La Nadya va respondre: "I tu ets meva, Jaap. Ens ocuparem de tot el que se'ns vingui al nostre camí, junts".
Jaap va ascendir a la seva feina amb l'FSB, i Nadya estava molt orgullosa. Tanmateix, la nova feina va suposar més responsabilitat i pressió.
La Nadya va expressar la seva preocupació: "Jaap, em preocupa per tu. Les decisions que fas ara són molt importants".
Jaap va respondre: "Ho sé, Nadya. Estic fent el possible pel nostre país".
Junts, es van enfrontar a molts reptes però sempre es van recolzar mútuament. No sabien que els esperava un esdeveniment tràgic que els canviaria la vida per sempre.
Chapter 7: Love in Difficult Times
Even though Jaap and Nadya had different opinions on some topics, their love for each other stayed strong. They helped each other through the tough times they faced.
One evening, Jaap told Nadya, "You're my rock, Nadya. I couldn't manage without you."
Nadya replied, "And you're mine, Jaap. We'll handle anything that comes our way, together."
Jaap got promoted at his job with the FSB, and Nadya was very proud. However, the new job meant more responsibility and pressure.
Nadya expressed her concern, "Jaap, I worry about you. The choices you make now are so important."
Jaap responded, "I know, Nadya. I'm doing my best for our country."
Together, they faced many challenges but always supported each other. They didn't know that a tragic event was waiting for them, which would change their lives forever.