Catalan | The Price of Sugar, the Cost of Love

El preu del sucre, el cost de l'amor - A1

Capítol 7: Un nou començament

Antti va mirar la Liisa i va dir: "Liisa, t'estimo. Comencem de nou. Et casaràs amb mi?"

La Liisa estava contenta i va dir: "Sí, Antti. Em casaré amb tu".

Es van traslladar a una casa preciosa prop del mar. La Liisa va dir: "Aquesta és una casa preciosa". Antti va respondre: "És perfecte per a nosaltres".

Junts, van ser feliços i van començar la seva nova vida.

Chapter 7: A New Start

Antti looked at Liisa and said, "Liisa, I love you. Let's start again. Will you marry me?"

Liisa was happy and said, "Yes, Antti. I will marry you."

They moved to a beautiful house near the sea. Liisa said, "This is a lovely home." Antti replied, "It's perfect for us."

Together, they were happy and began their new life.