Catalan | The Price of Sugar, the Cost of Love

El preu del sucre, el cost de l'amor - A2

Capítol 4: El trist accident de Hemmo

Antti va pensar en el seu pla per fer mal a Hemmo. Va trucar a un pirata informàtic per ajudar-lo.

"Hola, ets el pirata informàtic?" va preguntar Antti.

"Sí, qui és aquest?" va respondre el pirata informàtic.

"Necessito la teva ajuda", va dir Antti. Van parlar del pla per controlar el cotxe de Hemmo.

Hemmo conduïa quan el seu cotxe va sortir de la carretera. Va colpejar un graner amb ampolles de vidre dins. Les ampolles es van trencar i una mala olor va omplir l'aire. Hemmo estava atrapat i espantat.

"Ajuda! Si us plau, ajuda!" va cridar.

Antti va saber parlar de l'accident. Va actuar sorprès, però estava content. El seu pla va funcionar. Va beure una beguda especial i va mirar una foto de la Liisa.

"A continuació agafaré Toivo i Viljo", va dir en veu baixa.

Chapter 4: Hemmo's Sad Accident

Antti thought about his plan to hurt Hemmo. He called a hacker to help him.

"Hello, are you the hacker?" Antti asked.

"Yes, who is this?" the hacker answered.

"I need your help," Antti said. They talked about the plan to control Hemmo's car.

Hemmo was driving when his car went off the road. It hit a barn with glass bottles inside. The bottles broke, and a bad smell filled the air. Hemmo was trapped and scared.

"Help! Please help!" he shouted.

Antti heard about the accident. He acted surprised, but he was happy. His plan worked. He drank some special drink and looked at a photo of Liisa.

"I'll get Toivo and Viljo next," he said quietly.