Catalan | The Price of Sugar, the Cost of Love
El preu del sucre, el cost de l'amor - A2
Capítol 6: Escapada a Bielorússia
Toivo va caminar pel petit pis, semblant preocupat. "Això està molt malament, Viljo. Ho hem perdut tot, i ara som aquí".
Viljo semblava trist. "Ja ho sé. Abans teníem una bona vida, i ara ja no".
Toivo va dir: "Tot és per Antti. Ens va enganyar".
Viljo va respondre: "Necessitàvem ajuda, Toivo. Ens va jugar".
Toivo va sentir mal de cap. "Necessitem un pla, Viljo. No ens podem quedar a Bielorússia per sempre".
Viljo va suggerir: "I si trobem feina aquí?"
A Toivo no li va agradar la idea. —No sabem l'idioma, Viljo. Necessitem una altra cosa.
Viljo va mirar en Toivo. "Què creus que hauríem de fer?"
Toivo va sospirar. "No ho sé."
Es van seure en silenci, llavors en Viljo va dir: "Trobarem la manera. No ens podem rendir".
Toivo va estar d'acord. "Tens raó. No podem deixar guanyar Antti. Trobarem la manera de començar de nou, encara que trigui molt de temps".
Junts, van començar a planificar la seva nova vida a Bielorússia.
Chapter 6: Escaping to Belarus
Toivo walked around the small flat, looking worried. "This is so bad, Viljo. We've lost everything, and now we're here."
Viljo looked sad. "I know. We used to have a good life, and now we don't."
Toivo said, "It's all because of Antti. He tricked us."
Viljo replied, "We needed help, Toivo. He played us."
Toivo felt a headache. "We need a plan, Viljo. We can't stay in Belarus forever."
Viljo suggested, "What if we find work here?"
Toivo didn't like the idea. "We don't know the language, Viljo. We need something else."
Viljo looked at Toivo. "What do you think we should do?"
Toivo sighed. "I don't know."
They sat quietly, then Viljo said, "We'll find a way. We can't give up."
Toivo agreed. "You're right. We can't let Antti win. We'll find a way to start again, even if it takes a long time."
Together, they started to plan their new life in Belarus.