Catalan | The Price of Sugar, the Cost of Love
El preu del sucre, el cost de l'amor - B1
Capítol 2: Descobrint les mentides
Antti va tornar a casa d'hora després d'una reunió de treball, amb l'esperança de sorprendre la Liisa amb un sopar preciós. Quan va entrar a la cuina, va veure la tauleta de la Liisa a la taula. No va poder evitar mirar la pantalla i va veure missatges de diferents homes.
"Vai, què és tot això?" Va dir en Antti en veu baixa mentre agafava la tauleta. Estava bloquejat, però encara podia veure els noms Aimo, Eino, Hemmo, Toivo i Viljo apareixent a la pantalla.
Just aleshores, la Liisa va entrar i estava contenta de veure l'Antti. "Oh, has arribat d'hora a casa! Com ha anat la teva reunió?"
L'Antti, semblant enfadat, li va preguntar: "Què passa, Liisa? Aquests homes són els teus... papas de sucre?"
La Liisa va deixar de somriure i va intentar riure. "Oh, Antti, deu estar fent broma! Saps que ets l'únic per a mi".
"Deixa de mentir, Liisa!" va cridar l'Antti. "Conec aquests noms. Són tots els meus amics de la feina! Quant temps fa que m'amagues això?"
La Liisa semblava insegura i els seus ulls es van omplir de llàgrimes. "Jo... no volia que ho descobrís així, Antti. Mai no he volgut fer-te mal".
La cara d'Antti es va posar vermella de ira. "M'has estat mentint tot aquest temps, utilitzant-me a mi i als meus amics per aconseguir diners per a la teva vida agradable! Com pots fer-me això?"
"Ho sento molt, Antti", va cridar la Liisa. "Mai vaig voler que arribés tan lluny. Simplement... va passar".
"Creus que m'ho creuré?" va preguntar Antti. "M'has mentit des del principi. Tota la nostra relació es basa en mentides".
La Liisa va intentar tocar-li el braç, però Antti es va allunyar. "Si us plau, Antti. T'estimo. Podem arreglar això."
"No", va dir Antti, semblant ferit i enfadat. "Ja no puc confiar més en tu, Liisa. No després d'això."
Antti va sortir de la cuina i la Liisa es va asseure en una cadira, plorant. Sabia que no hi havia manera d'arreglar les coses. Les mentides havien causat massa mal, i tot s'havia ensorrat.
Chapter 2: Discovering the Lies
Antti came back home early from a work meeting, hoping to surprise Liisa with a lovely dinner. When he went into the kitchen, he saw Liisa's tablet on the table. He couldn't help but look at the screen and saw messages from different men.
"Wow, what's all this?" Antti said quietly as he picked up the tablet. It was locked, but he could still see the names Aimo, Eino, Hemmo, Toivo, and Viljo appearing on the screen.
Just then, Liisa came in and was happy to see Antti. "Oh, you're home early! How was your meeting?"
Antti, sounding angry, asked her, "What's happening, Liisa? Are these men your... sugar daddies?"
Liisa stopped smiling and tried to laugh. "Oh, Antti, you must be joking! You know you're the only one for me."
"Stop lying, Liisa!" Antti shouted. "I know these names. They're all my work friends! How long have you been hiding this from me?"
Liisa looked unsure, and her eyes filled with tears. "I... I didn't want you to find out like this, Antti. I never wanted to hurt you."
Antti's face turned red with anger. "You've been lying to me all this time, using me and my friends to get money for your nice life! How could you do this to me?"
"I'm so sorry, Antti," Liisa cried. "I never meant for it to go this far. It just... happened."
"Do you think I'll believe that?" Antti asked. "You've been lying to me from the start. Our whole relationship is based on lies."
Liisa tried to touch his arm, but Antti moved away. "Please, Antti. I love you. We can fix this."
"No," Antti said, looking hurt and angry. "I can't trust you anymore, Liisa. Not after this."
Antti left the kitchen, and Liisa sat down in a chair, crying. She knew there was no way to fix things. The lies had caused too much damage, and everything had fallen apart.