Catalan | The Price of Sugar, the Cost of Love
El preu del sucre, el cost de l'amor - B1
Capítol 7: Un nou començament
Antti va mirar als ulls de la Liisa mentre la posta de sol li feia brillar la cara. "Liisa, hem viscut moltes coses junts", va dir suaument. "Crec que és hora d'un nou començament".
La Liisa es va sentir nerviosa quan va percebre la importància de les paraules de l'Antti. "Que vols dir?" va preguntar ella amb cautela.
Antti va respirar profundament i va dir: "Vull que siguis la meva dona, Liisa. He tractat amb els que ens van fer mal, i ara podem tornar a començar. Et casaràs amb mi?"
Les llàgrimes van omplir els ulls de la Liisa mentre sentia felicitat, por i sorpresa. "Oh, Antti", va xiuxiuejar, "No m'esperava això. Però sí, em casaré amb tu".
Antti la va abraçar fortament mentre el sol va desaparèixer. "Et prometo, Liisa, que la nostra vida estarà plena d'amor i felicitat".
La parella aviat es va traslladar a una casa preciosa en una illa prop d'Hèlsinki. La ubicació privada era perfecta per començar la seva nova vida.
"No és increïble, Antti?" Va dir la Liisa, admirant les precioses vistes al mar. "No em puc creure que aquesta sigui casa nostra".
"És només el millor per a la meva encantadora dona", va respondre Antti, posant el seu braç al voltant d'ella. "Aquí podem oblidar el passat i centrar-nos en el nostre futur junts".
Amb el pas del temps, la Liisa i l'Antti es van acostumar a la seva nova vida. Van compartir moments tranquils al costat del foc, xerrant sobre el passat i imaginant-se el seu futur.
"Em sento la dona més afortunada, Antti", va dir la Liisa un vespre, recolzant el cap sobre el seu pit. "Mai vaig pensar que les nostres vides poguessin ser tan meravelloses".
"M'alegro que siguis feliç", va respondre Antti, tocant-li els cabells. "Faré tot el possible per assegurar-nos que la nostra felicitat duri".
Així, la Liisa i l'Antti van començar la seva nova vida junts, el seu amor brilla com una llum brillant. A les belles illes Hèlsinki, van construir una nova vida, lliures dels problemes del seu passat.
Chapter 7: A Fresh Start
Antti looked into Liisa's eyes as the sunset made her face glow. "Liisa, we've experienced a lot together," he said gently. "I think it's time for a new start."
Liisa felt nervous as she sensed the importance of Antti's words. "What do you mean?" she asked cautiously.
Antti took a deep breath and said, "I want you to be my wife, Liisa. I've dealt with those who hurt us, and now we can start again. Will you marry me?"
Tears filled Liisa's eyes as she felt happiness, fear, and surprise. "Oh, Antti," she whispered, "I didn't expect this. But yes, I'll marry you."
Antti hugged her tightly as the sun disappeared. "I promise you, Liisa, our life will be full of love and happiness."
The couple soon moved to a beautiful house on an island near Helsinki. The private location was perfect for starting their new life.
"Isn't it amazing, Antti?" Liisa said, admiring the lovely sea view. "I can't believe this is our home."
"It's only the best for my lovely wife," Antti replied, putting his arm around her. "Here, we can forget the past and focus on our future together."
As time passed, Liisa and Antti got used to their new life. They shared quiet times by the fire, chatting about the past and imagining their future.
"I feel like the luckiest woman, Antti," Liisa said one evening, resting her head on his chest. "I never thought our lives could be this wonderful."
"I'm glad you're happy," Antti answered, touching her hair. "I'll do everything to make sure our happiness lasts."
So, Liisa and Antti started their fresh life together, their love shining like a bright light. In the beautiful Helsinki islands, they built a new life, free from the problems of their past.