Catalan | Trainwreck Casanova
Trainwreck Casanova – A1
Capítol 8: Comencen els problemes
Steve va tornar a casa amb un diari. La seva cara era a la primera plana. Estava preocupat.
Steve: "La meva vida s'ha acabat, Mark. Diuen que he fet coses dolentes".
Mark: "Ho has fet?"
Steve: "No! No és veritat".
Mark va intentar ajudar. Van parlar sobre què fer després. Sabien que seria difícil.
Chapter 8: The Trouble Begins
Steve came home with a newspaper. His face was on the front page. He was worried.
Steve: "My life is over, Mark. They say I did bad things."
Mark: "Did you do it?"
Steve: "No! It's not true."
Mark tried to help. They talked about what to do next. They knew it would be hard.