Catalan | Trainwreck Casanova
Trainwreck Casanova – A2
Capítol 6: D'alumne a professor
Steve va aprendre molt sobre les cites i volia ajudar els altres. Va crear un curs anomenat "Train to Attraction: A Journey from Zero to Hero" i va convidar gent al seu pis per a la primera lliçó. Darren era un d'ells.
"Comencem", va dir Steve. "Volem ser millors amb les dones, oi?"
El grup va estar d'acord.
"Per ser un artista de recollida, necessites confiança", va explicar Steve. "Ho aconsegueixes practicant".
Steve els va ensenyar tècniques de cites. Al final, en Rob va preguntar: "Què passa si a una dona no li interessa?"
"Està bé", va respondre Steve. "Aprèn d'això i segueix endavant".
Després de la classe, Darren va donar les gràcies a l'Steve. "Això em podria ajudar realment", va dir.
"De nada", va respondre Steve. "En això estem tots junts."
Chapter 6: From Student to Teacher
Steve learned a lot about dating and wanted to help others. He created a course called "Train to Attraction: A Journey from Zero to Hero" and invited people to his flat for the first lesson. Darren was one of them.
"Let's start," said Steve. "We want to be better with women, right?"
The group agreed.
"To be a pick-up artist, you need confidence," Steve explained. "You get it by practising."
Steve taught them dating techniques. At the end, Rob asked, "What if a woman isn't interested?"
"It's okay," Steve replied. "Learn from it and move on."
After the class, Darren thanked Steve. "This could really help me," he said.
"You're welcome," Steve replied. "We're all in this together."