Catalan | Trainwreck Casanova
Trainwreck Casanova – A2
Capítol 7: La bona vida
El pis de l'Steve estava ple de música i gent rient. Va beure una mica de xampany i va mirar al seu voltant. Va veure moltes dones boniques a qui els va agradar el seu èxit. Va parlar amb el seu amic Tom, a qui també li agradaven les festes.
"Et pots creure això, company?" va preguntar l'Steve. "Jo jugava sol amb els trens. Ara, mira això!"
"Ja ho sé", va dir Tom, somrient. "Has canviat la teva vida!"
Steve va assentir. "Sí, gràcies a 'The Game' i ser un artista de recollida".
Se'ls va acostar una dona bonica amb un vestit vermell. "Ets Steve, el famós artista de recollida?" ella va preguntar.
"Aquest sóc jo", va respondre.
"Sóc la Jessica", va dir. "Parlem en un lloc tranquil".
Més tard, una dona li va preguntar a Steve: "T'enyories la teva antiga vida?"
Steve va pensar i va dir: "No, llavors estava sol. Ara sóc més feliç". La festa va continuar i Steve es va sentir orgullós de la seva nova vida.
Chapter 7: The Good Life
Steve's flat was full of music and people laughing. He drank some champagne and looked around. He saw many beautiful women who liked his success. He talked to his friend Tom, who also enjoyed parties.
"Can you believe this, mate?" Steve asked. "I used to play with trains alone. Now, look at this!"
"I know," Tom said, smiling. "You changed your life!"
Steve nodded. "Yes, thanks to 'The Game' and being a pick-up artist."
A pretty woman in a red dress came to them. "You're Steve, the famous pick-up artist?" she asked.
"That's me," he answered.
"I'm Jessica," she said. "Let's talk somewhere quiet."
Later, a woman asked Steve, "Do you miss your old life?"
Steve thought and said, "No, I was lonely then. I'm happier now." The party went on, and Steve felt proud of his new life.