Catalan | Trainwreck Casanova

Trainwreck Casanova – B1

Capítol 7: La vida emocionant

El luxós pis modern de l'Steve estava ple de rialles i música. Va beure xampany mentre mirava per l'habitació, feliç amb les dones boniques que estaven interessades pel seu èxit i fama. Va parlar amb el seu amic Tom, un company de PUA que venia sovint a les seves festes.

"T'ho pots creure, company?" va dir l'Steve amb un somriure. "Fa només uns anys, estava sol al meu soterrani, jugant amb maquetes de trens, i ara mireu tot això".

Tom va riure, aixecant la copa. "Ja ho sé, company. És una bogeria. Realment has canviat la teva vida, oi?"

"Definitivament", va respondre Steve, amb els ulls brillants. "I tot és a causa de 'The Game' i de tot el que he après com a artista de recollida".

Una bella dona amb un vestit vermell ajustat es va acostar a ells, mirant l'Steve. "Ei, ets Steve, oi? El famós artista de la recollida?" va preguntar, la seva veu suau.

Steve va somriure amb confiança. "Sí, ho sóc. I tu qui ets, amor?"

"Sóc la Jessica", va respondre, bevent del seu got. "He sentit molt parlar de tu, i només havia de veure si tot el que diuen és cert".

"Bé", va dir l'Steve, apropant-se a ella, "per què no anem a un lloc més tranquil i et puc mostrar com és cert?"

La Jessica va riure i va acceptar, seguint a Steve fins a una part més tranquil·la del pis.

Tom els va veure marxar i, movent el cap, va dir en veu baixa: "Vai, realment ha arribat lluny".

A mesura que avançava la nit, Steve va seguir encantant les dones de la seva festa, coquetejant i parlant. Les begudes estaven a tot arreu i la gent estava relaxada.

Steve estava amb un grup de dones, totes volien parlar amb ell. Els va explicar les seves aventures de cites i com a artista pick-up. Van escoltar atentament, estimant la seva confiança.

Una dona, curiosa, va preguntar: "Alguna vegada trobes a faltar la teva vella vida? La d'abans de tota aquesta fama i diners?"

Steve va pensar un moment, el seu somriure va desaparèixer. "Saps què? Crec que no. Sí, era més senzill, però estava sol i infeliç. Ara sóc molt més feliç".

La dona va assentir, creient-lo. Aleshores va parlar amb el seu amic i l'Steve va pensar en el seu viatge i la vida que havia fet.

La festa va continuar fins al matí, amb gent ballant, bevent i gaudint. Enmig de la vida divertida i elegant, Steve se sentia orgullós. Els seus dies de maquetes de trens i d'estar sol estaven lluny, substituïts per un món de dones boniques i festes sorprenents. La vida era fantàstica i l'Steve no volia tornar.

Chapter 7: The Exciting Life

Steve's luxurious modern flat was filled with laughter and music. He drank champagne while looking around the room, happy with the beautiful women who were interested in his success and fame. He talked to his friend Tom, a fellow PUA who came to his parties often.

"Can you believe it, mate?" Steve said with a smile. "Just a few years ago, I was alone in my basement, playing with model trains, and now look at all this."

Tom laughed, raising his glass. "I know, mate. It's crazy. You've really changed your life, haven't you?"

"Definitely," Steve replied, his eyes shining. "And it's all because of 'The Game' and everything I've learned from being a pick-up artist."

A beautiful woman in a tight red dress walked over to them, looking at Steve. "Hey, you're Steve, right? The famous pick-up artist?" she asked, her voice soft.

Steve smiled confidently. "Yes, I am. And who are you, love?"

"I'm Jessica," she answered, drinking from her glass. "I've heard so much about you, and I just had to see if everything they say is true."

"Well," Steve said, getting closer to her, "why don't we go somewhere quieter, and I can show you how true it is?"

Jessica giggled and agreed, following Steve to a quieter part of the flat.

Tom watched them go and, shaking his head, said quietly, "Wow, he has really come far."

As the night went on, Steve kept charming the women at his party, flirting and talking. Drinks were everywhere, and people were relaxed.

Steve was with a group of women, all wanting to talk to him. He told them about his adventures dating and as a pick-up artist. They listened carefully, loving his confidence.

One woman, curious, asked, "Do you ever miss your old life? The one before all this fame and money?"

Steve thought for a moment, his smile disappearing. "You know what? I don't think I do. Yes, it was simpler, but I was lonely and unhappy. I'm much happier now."

The woman nodded, believing him. She then talked to her friend, and Steve thought about his journey and the life he had made.

The party went on until the morning, with people dancing, drinking, and enjoying themselves. In the middle of the fun and fancy life, Steve felt proud. His days of model trains and being alone were far away, replaced by a world of beautiful women and amazing parties. Life was great, and Steve didn't want to go back.