Catalan | Trainwreck Casanova

Trainwreck Casanova – B1

Capítol 8: L'escàndol es desencadena

L'Steve va tancar la porta darrere d'ell quan va entrar al seu pis, respirant amb força i suant. Tenia un diari sensacionalista amb les seves mans tremolants, que mostrava la seva cara a la portada i un titular que deia: "Pool of Debauchery: PUA Guru in Sticky Situation".

El seu amic Mark, que l'havia estat esperant, va agafar el paper de les mans de l'Steve i va començar a llegir l'article en veu alta. "Cinc dones han dit que Steve 'The Trainwreck Casanova' Mills les va fer unir-se a un estrany esdeveniment sexual en una piscina plena de nata, mel i melmelada de maduixa".

Steve va caure al sofà, cobrint-se la cara amb les mans. "Això és, company. La meva vida s'ha acabat. Ho han canviat tot, fent-me semblar un monstre!"

Mark va fer una pausa, posant el diari a la taula de cafè. "Steve, és veritat? Has fet el que diuen que has fet?"

Steve va mirar cap amunt, els seus ulls vermells i inflats. "Jo... sí que vaig fer una festa, i hi havia una piscina amb nata i coses, però mai vaig fer res a ningú! Estava tot d'acord! Només em volen fer caure!"

Mark va sospirar, fregant-se el cap. "Bé, no et sembla bé, company. Tenen molts detalls sobre el que va passar a la piscina, i sembla que tenen algunes proves per recolzar les seves afirmacions".

La cara de l'Steve mostrava ràbia. "No ho entenc. Per què em farien això? Vaig pensar que tots ens ho vam passar bé!"

Mark va arrufar el front. "Potser no s'ho pensaven. És difícil dir-ho amb certesa. Però cal preparar-se. Això serà difícil i hauràs de defensar-te d'aquestes afirmacions".

Steve va gemegar, amagant de nou la cara a les mans. "No puc creure que això estigui passant. Just quan pensava que finalment havia aconseguit alguna cosa".

Mark va donar una palmada amable a l'espatlla del seu amic. "Mira, no ens preocupem massa encara. Has d'afrontar això, però estic aquí per ajudar-te. Ho solucionarem".

Steve va assentir, eixugant-se una llàgrima. "Gràcies, Mark. Ho agraeixo molt".

Mark es va aixecar, preparat per marxar. "Et deixaré descansar, company. Demà parlarem més i decidirem què hem de fer a continuació".

Quan en Mark es dirigia cap a la porta, Steve va dir en veu baixa: "Mai vaig pensar que la meva vida seria així. Tot ha anat tan malament".

Amb un assentament seriós, Mark va respondre: "Ens sortirem d'això, Steve. D'una manera o altra".

Chapter 8: The Scandal Unravels

Steve slammed the door behind him as he entered his flat, breathing heavily and sweating. He held a tabloid newspaper in his shaking hands, which showed his face on the front page and a headline that read: "Pool of Debauchery: PUA Guru in Sticky Situation."

His friend Mark, who had been waiting for him, took the paper from Steve's hands and started reading the article out loud. "Five women have said that Steve 'The Trainwreck Casanova' Mills made them join a strange sexual event in a pool filled with whipped cream, honey, and strawberry jam."

Steve fell onto the sofa, covering his face with his hands. "This is it, mate. My life is finished. They've changed everything, making me look like a monster!"

Mark paused, putting the newspaper on the coffee table. "Steve, is it true? Did you do what they say you did?"

Steve looked up, his eyes red and puffy. "I... I did have a party, and there was a pool with whipped cream and things, but I never made anyone do anything! It was all agreed! They just want to bring me down!"

Mark sighed, rubbing his head. "Well, it doesn't look good for you, mate. They've got a lot of details about what happened in the pool, and it seems like they've got some proof to support their claims."

Steve's face showed anger. "I don't get it. Why would they do this to me? I thought we all had a good time!"

Mark frowned. "Maybe they didn't think that. It's hard to say for sure. But you need to get ready. This is going to be difficult, and you'll need to defend yourself against these claims."

Steve groaned, hiding his face in his hands again. "I can't believe this is happening. Just when I thought I'd finally achieved something."

Mark patted his friend's shoulder kindly. "Look, let's not worry too much yet. You've got to face this, but I'm here to help you. We'll sort it out."

Steve nodded, wiping a tear away. "Thanks, Mark. I really appreciate that."

Mark stood up, ready to go. "I'll let you rest, mate. We'll talk more tomorrow, and we'll decide what to do next."

As Mark walked to the door, Steve said quietly, "I never thought my life would be like this. It's all gone so wrong."

With a serious nod, Mark replied, "We'll get through this, Steve. One way or another."