Afrikaans | Jaap in Moscow
Jaap in Moskou – A2
Hoofstuk 10: Tulpe
Jaap was nog steeds hartseer oor die verlies van Nadya, en hy het skrikwekkende drome oor tulpe begin droom. Een aand het hy Sophie gebel en gesê: "Sophie, ek is bang. Die tulpe het my vroeër gelukkig gemaak, maar nou is hulle in my nagmerries."
Sophie het aandagtig geluister en geantwoord: "Jaap, dit klink of jy nog met jou gevoelens sukkel. Miskien herinner die tulpe jou daaraan om jou hartseer te probeer vergeet."
Jaap het daaroor gedink en gesê: "Jy is dalk reg. Ek het gedink ek word beter, maar ek voel steeds verlore."
Sophie het voorgestel: "Hoekom probeer jy nie met 'n terapeut praat nie? Hulle kan jou help om jou gevoelens te verstaan."
Jaap het ingestem, en nadat hy na terapie gegaan het, het hy beter begin voel. Hy het vir Sophie gesê: "Danksy jou genees ek. Jou ondersteuning was so belangrik."
Sophie het geglimlag en gesê: "Ek help graag, Jaap. Onthou, ons is almal hier vir jou."
Chapter 10: Tulips
Jaap was still feeling sad about losing Nadya, and he started having scary dreams about tulips. One night, he called Sophie and said, "Sophie, I'm scared. The tulips used to make me happy, but now they're in my nightmares."
Sophie listened carefully and replied, "Jaap, it sounds like you're still struggling with your feelings. Maybe the tulips remind you of trying to forget your sadness."
Jaap thought about it and said, "You might be right. I thought I was getting better, but I still feel lost."
Sophie suggested, "Why don't you try talking to a therapist? They can help you understand your feelings."
Jaap agreed, and after going to therapy, he started feeling better. He told Sophie, "Thanks to you, I'm healing. Your support has been so important."
Sophie smiled and said, "I'm happy to help, Jaap. Remember, we're all here for you."