Catalan | Jaap in Moscow

Jaap a Moscou – B1

Capítol 8: Una pèrdua desgarradora

En una tarda tràgica, Jaap va tornar a casa per descobrir la Nadya estirada inconscient a terra, amb una petita bossa de drogues al seu costat. En pànic, va demanar urgentment una ambulància, però malgrat els seus millors esforços, Nadya va morir a causa d'una sobredosi. Devastat i desconsolat, Jaap no va poder comprendre la pèrdua sobtada de la seva estimada.

Durant el funeral de la Nadya, Jaap no va poder contenir les llàgrimes. Va parlar amb l'Ivan, el seu mentor: "No em puc creure que se n'hagi anat, Ivan. Se suposa que havíem d'enfrontar-nos al món junts".

L'Ivan va consolar en Jaap dient: "La vida pot ser cruel i imprevisible, amic meu. Hem d'honorar la memòria de la Nadya i trobar la força per avançar".

En els dies següents, Jaap va lluitar amb el seu dolor. Un dia, va trobar una carta que Nadya havia escrit per a ell. La carta deia: "Amor meu, si estàs llegint això, vol dir que ja no estic amb tu. Però recorda, el nostre amor romandrà amb tu per sempre i et guiarà a través dels reptes de la vida".

Moguda per les seves paraules, Jaap va decidir tornar a Amsterdam per començar de nou. Li va dir a l'Ivan: "Tornaré a treballar a la parada de tulipes del meu pare. Necessito curar-me i tornar a trobar el meu propòsit".

L'Ivan va respondre: "Ho entenc, Jaap. Cuida't i espero que trobis la pau i la curació que necessites".

Quan Jaap es preparava per marxar de Moscou, va reflexionar sobre la vida que havia compartit amb Nadya, l'amor que havien experimentat i les lliçons que havia après. Sabia que el dolor de perdre-la mai desapareixeria de veritat, però esperava que amb el temps, trobés acceptació i un nou sentit del propòsit.

De tornada a Amsterdam, Jaap va treballar al costat del seu pare a la parada de tulipes, reconstruint lentament la seva vida. L'amor i el suport de la seva família i amics li van proporcionar consol, i l'entorn familiar li va ajudar a trobar consol en la seva rutina diària.

En els moments tranquils, en Jaap sovint pensava en Nadya i en el seu temps junts. Recordaria el seu somriure, el seu riure i la manera com l'havia fet sentir. Sabia que mai la podria substituir, però també sabia que havia de seguir vivint, tal com hauria volgut la Nadya.

A mesura que els dies es van convertir en setmanes i després mesos, Jaap va començar a redescobrir la seva pròpia identitat, separada de la vida que havia viscut amb Nadya a Moscou. Lenta però segurament, va començar a curar-se, fent petits passos cap a la construcció d'un nou futur per a ell mateix, ple d'esperança i l'amor que sempre portaria al seu cor per Nadya.

Chapter 8: A Heartbreaking Loss

On a tragic evening, Jaap returned home to discover Nadya lying unconscious on the floor, a small bag of drugs next to her. Panicking, he urgently called for an ambulance, but despite their best efforts, Nadya passed away due to an overdose. Devastated and heartbroken, Jaap couldn't comprehend the sudden loss of his beloved.

During Nadya's funeral, Jaap couldn't hold back his tears. He spoke to Ivan, his mentor, "I can't believe she's gone, Ivan. We were supposed to face the world together."

Ivan comforted Jaap, saying, "Life can be cruel and unpredictable, my friend. We must honour Nadya's memory and find the strength to move forward."

In the days that followed, Jaap struggled with his grief. One day, he found a letter Nadya had written for him. The letter read, "My love, if you're reading this, it means I'm no longer with you. But remember, our love will remain with you forever and guide you through life's challenges."

Moved by her words, Jaap decided to return to Amsterdam for a fresh start. He told Ivan, "I'm going back to work at my dad's tulip stand. I need to heal and find my purpose again."

Ivan replied, "I understand, Jaap. Take care of yourself, and I hope you find the peace and healing you need."

As Jaap prepared to leave Moscow, he reflected on the life he had shared with Nadya, the love they had experienced, and the lessons he had learned. He knew that the pain of losing her would never truly disappear, but he hoped that in time, he would find acceptance and a new sense of purpose.

Back in Amsterdam, Jaap worked alongside his father at the tulip stand, slowly rebuilding his life. The love and support from his family and friends provided him with comfort, and the familiar surroundings helped him find solace in his daily routine.

In quiet moments, Jaap often thought about Nadya and their time together. He would remember her smile, her laughter, and the way she had made him feel. He knew he could never replace her, but he also knew that he must carry on living, just as Nadya would have wanted him to.

As the days turned into weeks and then months, Jaap began to rediscover his own identity, separate from the life he had lived with Nadya in Moscow. Slowly but surely, he started to heal, taking small steps towards building a new future for himself, one filled with hope and the love he would always carry in his heart for Nadya.