Catalan | Jaap in Moscow
Jaap a Moscou – B1
Capítol 9: Recorregut a la família
En tornar a Amsterdam, Jaap va trobar consol en l'entorn familiar de la seva ciutat natal i el suport amorós de la seva família i amics. El van ajudar a navegar pels moments difícils després de la pèrdua de Nadya.
El seu pare el va abraçar cordialment i li va dir: "Jaap, és fantàstic tenir-te de tornada. T'hem trobat a faltar i estem aquí per tu".
"Gràcies, pare", va respondre en Jaap, apreciant les paraules reconfortants.
Treballant a la caseta de tulipes del seu pare, Jaap va descobrir que les tasques senzilles i la bellesa de les flors proporcionaven una distracció relaxant. La seva família i amics van oferir el seu suport mentre intentava curar-se. La seva amiga de la infància, Sophie, va expressar el seu condol, reconeixent com Nadya significava per a ell.
Jaap es va dedicar a treballar a la caseta de tulipes, però aviat va afectar el seu benestar. El seu pare, preocupat, li va aconsellar que fes una pausa i es deixés temps per curar-se.
Jaap va fer cas dels consells del seu pare i va començar a buscar maneres més saludables d'afrontar el seu dolor. Va tornar a connectar amb vells amics i va participar en esdeveniments socials, intentant reconstruir la seva vida i recuperar la normalitat.
La Sophie va convidar en Jaap a una nit de joc, animant-lo a passar temps amb els amics. Jaap va dubtar, però finalment va acceptar, adonant-se que havia d'afrontar el seu dolor i seguir vivint. Amb el suport dels seus éssers estimats, Jaap es va embarcar en el llarg i desafiant viatge cap a la curació i l'acceptació. Va entendre que havia d'afrontar el seu dolor de cara i aprendre a viure de nou, encara que això signifiqués enfrontar-se als records dolorosos de la seva vida amb la Nadya.
A mesura que passaven les setmanes i els mesos, en Jaap es va trobar a poc a poc tornant a connectar amb la seva antiga vida i fent nous records amb els seus amics i familiars. Va descobrir que com més s'obria als altres i compartia els seus sentiments, més era capaç de processar la seva pèrdua i trobar la pau.
El viatge de Jaap no va estar exempt de contratemps, però cada dia que passava, se sentia una mica més fort i capaç de navegar pel món sense la Nadya al seu costat. Sabia que la seva memòria sempre formaria part d'ell, i estava decidit a honrar-la vivint una vida plena i significativa.
Envoltat dels seus éssers estimats, Jaap va continuar curant-se, trobant consol en el seu suport i en saber que no estava sol. A mesura que avançava, va portar el record de Nadya al seu cor, estimant l'amor que havien compartit i utilitzant-lo com a font de força i inspiració per al futur.
Chapter 9: Turning to Family
Upon returning to Amsterdam, Jaap found comfort in the familiar surroundings of his hometown and the loving support of his family and friends. They helped him navigate through the challenging times following Nadya's loss.
His father warmly embraced him, saying, "Jaap, it's great to have you back. We've missed you, and we're here for you."
"Thanks, Dad," Jaap replied, appreciating the comforting words.
Working at his father's tulip booth, Jaap discovered that the simple tasks and the flowers' beauty provided a soothing distraction. His family and friends offered their support as he tried to heal. His childhood friend Sophie expressed her condolences, acknowledging how much Nadya meant to him.
Jaap dedicated himself to working at the tulip booth, but it soon took a toll on his well-being. His father, concerned, advised him to take a break and allow himself time to heal.
Jaap heeded his father's advice and started seeking healthier ways to cope with his grief. He reconnected with old friends and participated in social events, attempting to rebuild his life and regain normalcy.
Sophie invited Jaap to a game night, encouraging him to spend time with friends. Jaap hesitated but eventually agreed, realizing he needed to confront his grief and carry on living. With the support of his loved ones, Jaap embarked on the long and challenging journey towards healing and acceptance. He understood that he needed to face his grief head-on and learn to live again, even if that meant confronting the painful memories of his life with Nadya.
As the weeks and months passed, Jaap gradually found himself reconnecting with his old life and making new memories with his friends and family. He discovered that the more he opened up to others and shared his feelings, the more he was able to process his loss and find peace.
Jaap's journey wasn't without its setbacks, but with each passing day, he felt a little bit stronger and more capable of navigating the world without Nadya by his side. He knew that her memory would always be a part of him, and he was determined to honour her by living a full and meaningful life.
Surrounded by his loved ones, Jaap continued to heal, finding solace in their support and the knowledge that he was not alone. As he moved forward, he carried the memory of Nadya in his heart, cherishing the love they had shared and using it as a source of strength and inspiration for the future.