Catalan | Trainwreck Casanova

Trainwreck Casanova – A1

Capítol 3: Despertar

Steve es va despertar a l'hospital. Una infermera li va parlar.

Infermera: "Hola, senyor Thompson. Ha tingut un accident".

Steve: "On sóc?"

Infermera: "Estàs a l'hospital".

Steve va decidir canviar la seva vida. Volia aprendre a agafar dones. Va conèixer una pacient, Jenny.

Steve: "Vull canviar".

Jenny: "Això està bé, Steve".

Steve va sortir de l'hospital, preparat per a una nova vida.

Chapter 3: Waking Up

Steve woke up in the hospital. A nurse spoke to him.

Nurse: "Hello, Mr. Thompson. You had an accident."

Steve: "Where am I?"

Nurse: "You're in the hospital."

Steve decided to change his life. He wanted to learn to pick up women. He met a patient, Jenny.

Steve: "I want to change."

Jenny: "That's good, Steve."

Steve left the hospital, ready for a new life.