Catalan | Trainwreck Casanova

Trainwreck Casanova – B1

Capítol 11: La vida als rails

Steve va posar amb cura la petita maqueta de mestre d'estació al costat de la nova andana. La petita figura estava detallada, fins i tot amb una cadena de rellotge de butxaca a la seva armilla. Mentre l'Steve la mirava, va sonar el timbre.

"Venint!" va cridar l'Steve, sortint de la sala de maquetes de ferrocarril i anant a la porta principal. El va obrir i va veure el seu veí, Ian, amb un somriure amable.

"Hola, Steve. He vist que tens un paquet avui. És alguna cosa nova per a la teva col·lecció?" va preguntar en Ian, començant una xerrada.

"Sí", va respondre l'Steve, somrient. "Tinc trens i vagons nous. Estaré ocupat aquesta nit muntant-los".

Ian va riure. "T'agraden molt els teus trens, no? Però si et fa feliç, està bé".

Steve va fer un somriure incòmode. "Gràcies, Ian. Sempre m'ha apassionat. Em manté ocupat i he conegut gent fantàstica a través d'aquesta afició".

"Això és cert", va acceptar Ian. "Per cert, aniràs a la Convenció de Model Railway el mes que ve? He sentit que serà un gran esdeveniment".

Steve va assentir. "No m'ho perdria. Estic emocionat de conèixer altres fans, compartir consells i veure els seus dissenys. Sempre és divertit".

"Sembla divertit", va dir l'Ian, molt interessat. "Alguna vegada has pensat a fer recorreguts pel teu model de ferrocarril? A la gent li agradaria veure el teu treball".

Steve va dubtar. "No ho sé, Ian. És una bona idea, però encara no estic preparat per això. Potser algun dia".

"D'acord", va respondre Ian. "No et mantindré dels teus trens. Que tinguis una bona tarda, Steve."

"Tu també, Ian", va dir l'Steve, tancant la porta i tornant a la seva sala de maquetes de ferrocarril.

Mentre treballava en els seus nous trens, Steve es va perdre en el món dels trens petits. Les seves mans es van moure amb cura, posant cada carruatge a la via. El so de les rodes a les vies omplia l'habitació i l'Steve es va sentir tranquil.

Va mirar una foto seva i d'alguns aficionats al tren d'una reunió recent. Semblaven feliços junts, i Steve va somriure.

"Potser l'Ian té raó", es va dir a si mateix. "Potser és hora de compartir la meva afició amb els altres".

Però de moment, l'Steve estava feliç treballant en el seu model de ferrocarril, perdut en el món que havia fet.

Chapter 11: Life on the Rails

Steve carefully put the small station master model next to the new platform. The tiny figure was detailed, with even a pocket watch chain on his waistcoat. As Steve looked at it, the doorbell rang.

"Coming!" Steve shouted, leaving the model railway room and going to the front door. He opened it and saw his neighbour, Ian, with a friendly smile.

"Hello, Steve. I saw you got a package today. Is it something new for your collection?" Ian asked, starting a chat.

"Yes," Steve replied, smiling. "I got new trains and carriages. I'll be busy tonight setting them up."

Ian laughed. "You really like your trains, don't you? But if it makes you happy, that's good."

Steve gave an awkward smile. "Thank you, Ian. I've always been passionate about it. It keeps me busy and I've met great people through this hobby."

"That's true," Ian agreed. "By the way, are you going to the Model Railway Convention next month? I heard it'll be a great event."

Steve nodded. "I wouldn't miss it. I'm excited to meet other fans, share tips and see their layouts. It's always fun."

"It does sound fun," Ian said, really interested. "Have you ever thought about giving tours of your model railway? People would enjoy seeing your work."

Steve hesitated. "I don't know, Ian. It's a nice idea, but I'm not ready for that yet. Maybe someday."

"Alright," Ian replied. "I won't keep you from your trains. Have a nice evening, Steve."

"You too, Ian," Steve said, closing the door and going back to his model railway room.

As he worked on his new trains, Steve got lost in the world of tiny trains. His hands moved carefully, putting each carriage on the track. The sound of wheels on the tracks filled the room, and Steve felt peaceful.

He looked at a photo of him and some train fans from a recent meeting. They looked happy together, and Steve smiled.

"Maybe Ian's right," he said to himself. "Maybe it's time to share my hobby with others."

But for now, Steve was happy working on his model railway, lost in the world he had made.