Afrikaans | The Price of Sugar, the Cost of Love

Die prys van suiker, die koste van liefde – B1

Hoofstuk 7: 'n Nuwe Begin

Antti kyk in Liisa se oë toe die sonsondergang haar gesig laat gloei. “Liisa, ons het baie saam beleef,” sê hy sag. "Ek dink dit is tyd vir 'n nuwe begin."

Liisa voel senuweeagtig toe sy die belangrikheid van Antti se woorde aanvoel. "Wat bedoel jy?" vra sy versigtig.

Antti haal diep asem en sê: "Ek wil hê jy moet my vrou wees, Liisa. Ek het die wat ons seergemaak het, afgereken, en nou kan ons weer begin. Sal jy met my trou?"

Trane het Liisa se oë gevul terwyl sy geluk, vrees en verbasing voel. "O, Antti," fluister sy, "ek het dit nie verwag nie. Maar ja, ek sal met jou trou."

Antti omhels haar styf toe die son verdwyn. "Ek belowe jou, Liisa, ons lewe sal vol liefde en geluk wees."

Die egpaar het gou na 'n pragtige huis op 'n eiland naby Helsinki verhuis. Die privaat ligging was perfek om hul nuwe lewe te begin.

"Is dit nie wonderlik nie, Antti?" het Liisa gesê terwyl sy die lieflike see-uitsig bewonder. “Ek kan nie glo dit is ons huis nie.”

“Dis net die beste vir my lieflike vrou,” antwoord Antti en sit sy arm om haar. "Hier kan ons die verlede vergeet en saam op ons toekoms fokus."

Met verloop van tyd het Liisa en Antti gewoond geraak aan hul nuwe lewe. Hulle het stil tye by die vuur gedeel, oor die verlede gesels en hulle toekoms verbeel.

“Ek voel soos die gelukkigste vrou, Antti,” sê Liisa een aand terwyl sy haar kop op sy bors laat rus het. "Ek het nooit gedink ons lewe kan so wonderlik wees nie."

“Ek is bly jy is gelukkig,” antwoord Antti en vat aan haar hare. "Ek sal alles doen om seker te maak ons geluk hou."

So, Liisa en Antti het hul nuwe lewe saam begin, hul liefde het soos 'n helder lig geskyn. In die pragtige Helsinki-eilande het hulle 'n nuwe lewe gebou, vry van die probleme van hul verlede.

Chapter 7: A Fresh Start

Antti looked into Liisa's eyes as the sunset made her face glow. "Liisa, we've experienced a lot together," he said gently. "I think it's time for a new start."

Liisa felt nervous as she sensed the importance of Antti's words. "What do you mean?" she asked cautiously.

Antti took a deep breath and said, "I want you to be my wife, Liisa. I've dealt with those who hurt us, and now we can start again. Will you marry me?"

Tears filled Liisa's eyes as she felt happiness, fear, and surprise. "Oh, Antti," she whispered, "I didn't expect this. But yes, I'll marry you."

Antti hugged her tightly as the sun disappeared. "I promise you, Liisa, our life will be full of love and happiness."

The couple soon moved to a beautiful house on an island near Helsinki. The private location was perfect for starting their new life.

"Isn't it amazing, Antti?" Liisa said, admiring the lovely sea view. "I can't believe this is our home."

"It's only the best for my lovely wife," Antti replied, putting his arm around her. "Here, we can forget the past and focus on our future together."

As time passed, Liisa and Antti got used to their new life. They shared quiet times by the fire, chatting about the past and imagining their future.

"I feel like the luckiest woman, Antti," Liisa said one evening, resting her head on his chest. "I never thought our lives could be this wonderful."

"I'm glad you're happy," Antti answered, touching her hair. "I'll do everything to make sure our happiness lasts."

So, Liisa and Antti started their fresh life together, their love shining like a bright light. In the beautiful Helsinki islands, they built a new life, free from the problems of their past.