Catalan | The Unlikely Idols
Els ídols improbables - A2
Capítol 4: El gran moment
El primer senzill de Twelve Forever estava llest. Ryoichi i les dones havien treballat molt dur. Estaven emocionats pel seu debut.
Ryoichi va dir: "Demà surt 'Boys in My Heart'. Crec que serà un èxit".
Yukiko va preguntar: "Què pensarà la gent?"
Ryoichi va respondre: "A alguns els agradarà, a altres no. Però tindreu fans".
L'endemà va sortir la cançó. A alguns els va agradar, a altres no. Ayako va dir al grup: "No podem deixar que els mals comentaris ens aturin".
Chieko va estar d'acord: "Tenim fans i estem vivint el nostre somni".
La seva base de fans va créixer, i aviat el seu senzill va quedar entre els 20 millors. Estaven feliços i preparats per al futur com Twelve Forever.
Chapter 4: The Big Moment
Twelve Forever's first single was ready. Ryoichi and the women had worked very hard. They were excited for their debut.
Ryoichi said, "Tomorrow, 'Boys in My Heart' comes out. I think it will be a success."
Yukiko asked, "What will people think?"
Ryoichi replied, "Some will like it, some won't. But you'll have fans."
The next day, the song came out. Some people liked it, others didn't. Ayako told the group, "We can't let the bad comments stop us."
Chieko agreed, "We have fans and we're living our dream."
Their fanbase grew, and soon their single was in the top 20. They were happy and ready for the future as Twelve Forever.