Catalan | The Unlikely Idols

Els ídols improbables - A2

Capítol 10: La segona oportunitat

Yoko i Emiko van intentar tenir les seves pròpies carreres. Encara tenien problemes amb els mals hàbits. No estaven contents.

La Yoko va dir a Emiko: "Volia un nou començament, però és difícil. El meu passat sempre hi és".

Emiko va dir: "Ho entenc. Vaig pensar que la meva carrera ajudaria, però els vells hàbits no desapareixen fàcilment".

Van intentar ajudar-se mútuament. Van veure metges i van anar a grups per demanar suport.

La Yoko va dir: "Ho podem fer, Emiko. Hem de seguir-ho intentant".

Emiko va acceptar: "Sí, Yoko. No podem deixar que el nostre passat ens controli".

Van treballar molt però van tenir molts problemes. Els seus errors passats van fer difícil ser feliç i tenir èxit.

Chapter 10: The Second Chance

Yoko and Emiko tried to have their own careers. They still had problems with bad habits. They were not happy.

Yoko told Emiko, "I wanted a new start, but it's hard. My past is always there."

Emiko said, "I understand. I thought my career would help, but old habits don't go away easily."

They tried to help each other. They saw doctors and went to groups for support.

Yoko said, "We can do it, Emiko. We must keep trying."

Emiko agreed, "Yes, Yoko. We can't let our past control us."

They worked hard but faced many problems. Their past mistakes made it hard to be happy and successful.