Catalan | The Unlikely Idols

Els ídols improbables - A2

Capítol 9: Les conseqüències

Després del gran problema, els membres de Twelve Forever estaven molt tristos. Van perdre els seus somnis i la gent no els agradava.

La Yoko va dir: "No puc creure que tot hagi desaparegut".

Emiko va respondre: "Hem fet males decisions. Hem de continuar".

Les dones no sabien què fer. Se sentien malament pel seu passat.

Sachiko va dir: "No sé què fer ara".

L'Ayako va respondre: "Ens tenim l'un a l'altre. Anirem millor".

Van començar a fer coses noves. Alguns van passar temps amb la família i altres van provar noves aficions.

Chieko va dir: "Ara pinto. Em fa feliç".

Però el seu passat es va quedar amb ells, un recordatori del que van perdre.

Chapter 9: The Aftermath

After the big problem, the members of Twelve Forever were very sad. They lost their dreams and people didn't like them.

Yoko said, "I can't believe everything is gone."

Emiko replied, "We made bad choices. We need to go on."

The women didn't know what to do. They felt bad about their past.

Sachiko said, "I don't know what to do now."

Ayako answered, "We have each other. We will get better."

They started doing new things. Some spent time with family, and others tried new hobbies.

Chieko said, "I paint now. It makes me happy."

But their past stayed with them, a reminder of what they lost.