Afrikaans | The Price of Sugar, the Cost of Love

Die prys van suiker, die koste van liefde – A1

Hoofstuk 8: Familie groei, hartseer groei

Liisa kyk by die venster uit. Sy het Antti in die tuin gesien. “Antti, help my asseblief,” roep sy.

Antti kom binne. "Wat is fout?" vra Liisa.

“Ek voel iets skort,” het Antti gesê.

"Is dit ek?" vra Liisa.

“Nee, dis nie jy nie,” het Antti gesê. "Ek wil net iets anders hê."

Liisa voel hartseer. Hulle het nie geweet hoe om hul probleem op te los nie.

Chapter 8: Family Grows, Sadness Grows

Liisa looked out the window. She saw Antti in the garden. "Antti, help me, please," she called.

Antti came inside. "What's wrong?" Liisa asked.

"I feel something is missing," Antti said.

"Is it me?" Liisa asked.

"No, it's not you," Antti said. "I just want something different."

Liisa felt sad. They didn't know how to fix their problem.