Catalan | The Unlikely Idols
Els ídols improbables - A1
Capítol 8: El compte
La policia va atrapar a Junko, Naoko, Tomoko i Haruko a causa de la mort del nen. Els altres estaven molt tristos.
La Yoko va cridar: "No em puc creure que estiguin arrestats".
Emiko va dir: "No volíem això. Què podem fer?"
Volien corregir els seus errors i ajudar els seus amics.
La Chieko va dir: "Anem a millorar les coses i aprenem d'això".
Tothom va estar d'acord. Volien un futur millor.
Chapter 8: The Reckoning
The police caught Junko, Naoko, Tomoko, and Haruko because of the boy's death. The others were very sad.
Yoko cried, "I can't believe they're arrested."
Emiko said, "We didn't want this. What can we do?"
They wanted to fix their mistakes and help their friends.
Chieko said, "Let's make things better and learn from this."
Everyone agreed. They wanted a better future.