Catalan | The Unlikely Idols

Els ídols improbables - A1

Capítol 11: L'accident

Emiko va tenir un accident de cotxe. Ara, està en cadira de rodes. Els seus amics de Twelve Forever la visiten a l'hospital.

La Yoko va dir: "Emiko, no m'ho puc creure. Ens estàvem ajudant mútuament. Ara, no sé què fer".

Emiko va cridar: "Ho sento, Yoko. M'he equivocat. T'he decepcionat".

Els seus amics van prometre ajudar-la. Van dir: "Estem aquí per a tu, Emiko. Et donarem suport".

Chapter 11: The Accident

Emiko had a car accident. Now, she is in a wheelchair. Her friends from Twelve Forever visit her in the hospital.

Yoko said, "Emiko, I can't believe it. We were helping each other. Now, I don't know what to do."

Emiko cried, "I'm sorry, Yoko. I was wrong. I let you down."

Her friends promised to help her. They said, "We're here for you, Emiko. We'll support you."