Catalan | The Unlikely Idols
Els ídols improbables - A1
Capítol 10: La segona oportunitat
Yoko i Emiko van intentar cantar soles. Però les coses dolentes del passat encara hi eren. Es van sentir tristos.
La Yoko va dir: "No puc oblidar el passat".
Emiko va dir: "Jo també. Però ho hem d'intentar".
Van provar moltes coses per sentir-se millor. Volien canviar.
La Yoko va dir: "Ho podem fer".
Emiko va dir: "Sí, podem ser feliços".
Chapter 10: The Second Chance
Yoko and Emiko tried to sing alone. But bad things from the past were still there. They felt sad.
Yoko said, "I can't forget the past."
Emiko said, "Me too. But we must try."
They tried many things to feel better. They wanted to change.
Yoko said, "We can do it."
Emiko said, "Yes, we can be happy."