Catalan | The Unlikely Idols

Els ídols improbables - A1

Capítol 9: Les conseqüències

El grup es va sentir trist després de tot el que va passar. Van perdre els seus somnis i es van sentir malament.

La Yoko va dir: "No puc creure que tot hagi desaparegut".

Emiko va respondre: "Ens hem equivocat. Però podem seguir endavant".

Van intentar trobar coses noves per fer. La Chieko va dir: "Estic pintant de nou. M'està ajudant a sentir-me millor".

Però encara recordaven el passat.

Chapter 9: The Aftermath

The group felt sad after everything that happened. They lost their dreams and felt bad.

Yoko said, "I can't believe it's all gone."

Emiko answered, "We made mistakes. But we can move on."

They tried to find new things to do. Chieko said, "I'm painting again. It's helping me feel better."

But they still remembered the past.