Catalan | The Unlikely Idols

Els ídols improbables - B1

Capítol 2: El Santuari

Mentre les dones es reunien al voltant de la taula, la Yoko els va mostrar els detalls d'un ampli pis a Setagaya, els seus ulls brillants d'emoció.

"Això és, noies! Aquest és el lloc perfecte per assajar i créixer junts com a grup", va dir la Yoko.

Emiko va mirar més de prop les imatges, els seus dits tocant el disseny luxós. "És preciós, Yoko, però realment ens ho podem permetre?"

Yukiko va afegir: "Podríem posar els nostres diners junts. Si ens ho prenem seriosament, necessitem un lloc on ens puguem comprometre completament amb el nostre somni".

Els altres van estar d'acord i Haruko va dir: "A més, ens mereixem un santuari propi, lluny de la nostra vida quotidiana".

L'Akiko va mirar al seu voltant als seus nous amics i va somriure: "D'acord, anem a veure aquest pis demà".

L'endemà, les dones van anar al pis de Setagaya i de seguida van quedar impressionades per l'elegància i l'espai que oferia. Van caminar per les habitacions amb sostres alts, imaginant-se el seu futur junts com a ídols.

La Sachiko va aplaudir, "Això serà increïble! Només penseu en nosaltres practicant les nostres rutines de ball en aquesta sala d'estar".

Tomoko va somriure: "I fins i tot podem tenir les nostres pròpies habitacions, que seran ideals per establir vincles i conèixer-nos millor".

Mentre miraven al voltant del pis, l'emoció de les dones va créixer i van saber que havien trobat el seu santuari. Van signar el contracte d'arrendament i, en pocs dies, es van traslladar tots.

Al vespre, les dones es reunien a la sala d'estar, discutint els seus plans i el seu futur com a ídols. Pensaven idees per als seus vestits d'escola i practicaven el cant i el ball fins ben entrada la nit.

Una nit, la Noriko va suggerir: "Ens hauríem d'aconseguir un nom de grup. Una cosa que representi el nostre vincle fort i el nostre compromís amb aquest somni".

La Chieko va pensar un moment, i aleshores se li va il·luminar la cara: "Què tal "Twelve Forever"? Vol dir que sempre estarem allà l'un per l'altre, passi el que passi".

Als altres els va encantar la idea i van decidir batejar oficialment el seu grup "Twelve Forever".

Amb el pas dels dies, les dones es van acostar i el seu santuari a Setagaya es va convertir en el seu lloc segur del món. En aquest refugi, van compartir la seva felicitat i preocupacions, i el vincle entre ells només es va fer més fort.

"Això és només el començament, noies", va dir l'Ayako, aixecant la copa en un brindis. "Aquí està per nosaltres, per a Twelve Forever, i per al nostre futur com a ídols!"

Les dones van animar i fer tintinejar les ulleres juntes, unides en el seu somni i preparades per afrontar els reptes que els hi hagués per davant.

Chapter 2: The Sanctuary

As the women gathered around the table, Yoko showed them the details of a spacious flat in Setagaya, her eyes shining with excitement.

"This is it, girls! This is the perfect place for us to rehearse and grow together as a group," Yoko said.

Emiko looked closer at the pictures, her fingers touching the luxurious layout. "It's beautiful, Yoko, but can we really afford it?"

Yukiko added, "We could put our money together. If we're serious about this, we need a place where we can completely commit to our dream."

The others agreed, and Haruko said, "Besides, we deserve a sanctuary of our own, away from our daily lives."

Akiko looked around at her new friends and smiled, "Alright then, let's go and see this flat tomorrow."

The next day, the women went to the Setagaya flat and were immediately impressed by the elegance and space it offered. They walked through the high-ceilinged rooms, imagining their future together as idols.

Sachiko clapped her hands, "This is going to be amazing! Just think of us practising our dance routines in this living room."

Tomoko smiled, "And we can even have our own rooms, which will be great for bonding and getting to know each other better."

As they looked around the flat, the women's excitement grew, and they knew they had found their sanctuary. They signed the lease, and within a few days, they were all moved in.

In the evenings, the women would meet in the living room, discussing their plans and future as idols. They would think up ideas for their schoolgirl costumes and practise their singing and dancing late into the night.

One night, Noriko suggested, "We should come up with a group name. Something that represents our strong bond and our commitment to this dream."

Chieko thought for a moment, and then her face lit up, "How about 'Twelve Forever'? It means that we'll always be there for each other, no matter what."

The others loved the idea, and they decided to officially name their group "Twelve Forever."

As the days went by, the women grew closer, and their sanctuary in Setagaya became their safe place from the world. In this haven, they shared their happiness and worries, and the bond between them only grew stronger.

"This is just the beginning, girls," Ayako said, raising her glass in a toast. "Here's to us, to Twelve Forever, and to our future as idols!"

The women cheered and clinked their glasses together, united in their dream and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.