Catalan | The Unlikely Idols

Els ídols improbables - B1

Capítol 10: La segona oportunitat

Yoko i Emiko van decidir provar carreres en solitari per aconseguir un nou propòsit a la vida. Tanmateix, es van enfrontar a problemes, ja que els seus mals hàbits i addiccions els feien difícil trobar l'èxit i l'alegria reals.

Sentint-se molesta, la Yoko va dir a Emiko: "Vaig pensar que començar de nou m'ajudaria a oblidar el meu passat, però no és tan fàcil. El meu passat em preocupa, i sembla que no puc fugir d'ell".

Emiko, compartint les seves pròpies dificultats, va dir: "Entenc el que estàs dient. Creia que concentrar-me en el meu treball en solitari m'oferiria un nou començament, però els meus vells hàbits són difícils de canviar. Em sembla que estic atrapat en un cicle que no s'acaba mai".

Les dues dones van intentar ajudar-se mútuament mentre tractaven els problemes de la seva nova vida. Van parlar amb terapeutes, van anar a grups de suport i fins i tot van provar diferents teràpies per vèncer els seus problemes.

Sentint-se esperançada, la Yoko va dir: "Crec que podem guanyar aquesta batalla, Emiko. Només hem de seguir intentant-ho i no rendir-nos mai. Ens ho devem a nosaltres mateixos i als nostres amics que encara pateixen pel que vam fer".

Emiko, sentint-se decidida, va respondre: "Tens raó, Yoko. No podem deixar que el nostre passat controli el nostre futur. Hem de creure en nosaltres mateixos i treballar junts per afrontar aquests reptes".

Tot i que van fer tot el possible, Yoko i Emiko van descobrir que el seu viatge cap a la recuperació estava ple de dificultats i decepcions. La seva recerca de l'èxit i la felicitat es va veure constantment afectada per la càrrega dels seus errors passats, recordant-los el cost que havien pagat per formar part de Twelve Forever.

Chapter 10: The Second Chance

Yoko and Emiko decided to try solo careers to gain a new purpose in life. However, they faced problems as their bad habits and addictions made it hard for them to find real success and joy.

Feeling upset, Yoko told Emiko, "I thought starting anew would help me forget my past, but it's not that easy. My past troubles me, and I can't seem to run away from it."

Emiko, sharing her own difficulties, said, "I understand what you're saying. I believed that concentrating on my solo work would offer me a fresh start, but my old habits are difficult to change. It feels like I'm trapped in a cycle that never ends."

The two women tried to help each other as they dealt with the problems of their new lives. They spoke to therapists, went to support groups, and even tried different therapies to conquer their troubles.

Feeling hopeful, Yoko said, "I think we can win this battle, Emiko. We just need to keep trying and never give up. We owe it to ourselves and to our friends who still suffer because of what we did."

Emiko, feeling determined, answered, "You're right, Yoko. We can't let our past control our future. We must believe in ourselves and work together to face these challenges."

Even though they tried their best, Yoko and Emiko found that their journey to recovery was filled with difficulties and letdowns. Their search for success and happiness was constantly affected by the burden of their past errors, reminding them of the cost they had paid for being part of Twelve Forever.