Catalan | The Unlikely Idols

Els ídols improbables - B1

Capítol 4: El gran moment

El seu primer senzill estava a punt, i les dones de Twelve Forever estaven emocionades pel seu debut. Ryoichi havia treballat molt amb ells, i ara el seu gran moment estava a punt d'arribar.

El dia abans de l'estrena, Ryoichi va cridar les dones al seu estudi. "Dones, la vostra cançó de debut, 'Boys in My Heart', sortirà demà. Estic orgullós del que hem fet junts i crec que aportarà èxit al nostre grup".

Yukiko, amb ulls emocionats, va preguntar: "Ryoichi, què podem esperar de la reacció del públic?"

Ryoichi va pensar abans de respondre. "Seré sincer: el teu estil és diferent. La gent pot tenir reaccions contradictòries, però crec que la teva imatge única i les teves cançons enganxadores atrauran fans fidels".

Les dones van assentir, sabent les dificultats per davant, però no es van desanimar.

L'endemà, "Boys in My Heart" va sortir, i tal com havia dit Ryoichi, la resposta va ser mixta. A algunes persones els va agradar el nou estil del grup, mentre que a altres no els va agradar la seva imatge atrevida i l'edat.

Ayako va reunir el grup i va dir: "Sabíem que això seria difícil, però hem aconseguit molt. No podem deixar que les opinions negatives ens aturin".

Chieko va afegir: "Exacte. Tenim fans i estem fent realitat els nostres somnis. Això és el que realment importa".

Amb el pas del temps, van guanyar més fans i la gent va començar a apreciar la seva música enganxosa i el missatge positiu sobre perseguir els somnis a qualsevol edat.

Un vespre, la Naoko va dir emocionada al grup: "Senyores, la nostra cançó està entre les 20 millors de les llistes! Estem marcant la diferència!"

Les dones es van aplaudir i es van abraçar, mentre el seu esforç estava donant els seus fruits.

Emiko va aixecar la copa: "A Twelve Forever, i al nostre brillant futur com a estrelles!"

Mentre celebraven, sabien que anaven pel bon camí. Els seus somnis es feien realitat i estaven preparats per afrontar qualsevol repte junts, com Twelve Forever.

Chapter 4: The Big Moment

Their first single was ready, and the women of Twelve Forever were excited for their debut. Ryoichi had worked hard with them, and now their big moment was about to come.

The day before the release, Ryoichi called the women to his studio. "Ladies, your debut song, 'Boys in My Heart,' will be out tomorrow. I'm proud of what we've done together, and I think it will bring success to our group."

Yukiko, with excited eyes, asked, "Ryoichi, what can we expect from the public's reaction?"

Ryoichi thought before answering. "I'll be honest – your style is different. People might have mixed reactions, but I think your unique image and catchy songs will attract loyal fans."

The women nodded, knowing the difficulties ahead, but they were not discouraged.

The next day, "Boys in My Heart" came out, and just like Ryoichi had said, the response was mixed. Some people liked the group's new style, while others didn't like their bold image and age.

Ayako brought the group together and said, "We knew this would be tough, but we've achieved so much. We can't let the negative opinions stop us."

Chieko added, "Exactly. We have fans, and we're making our dreams come true. That's what really matters."

As time passed, they gained more fans, and people began to appreciate their catchy music and the positive message about chasing dreams at any age.

One evening, Naoko excitedly told the group, "Ladies, our song is in the top 20 on the charts! We're making a difference!"

The women cheered and hugged, as their hard work was paying off.

Emiko raised her glass, "To Twelve Forever, and to our bright future as stars!"

As they celebrated, they knew they were on the right track. Their dreams were coming true, and they were prepared to face any challenges together, as Twelve Forever.