Catalan | The Unlikely Idols
Els ídols improbables - B1
Capítol 6: L'excés
La popularitat de Twelve Forever va anar creixent, i amb ella va augmentar l'estrès i les expectatives. Per escapar de la pressió, les dones van començar a anar a festes salvatges i a provar drogues.
Un vespre, després d'un gran concert, la Yoko va proposar que fessin una festa per celebrar. "Noies, hem estat treballant sense parar. Divertim-nos aquesta nit i relaxem-nos una mica! També podríem convidar alguns seguidors. Seria una bona manera de conèixer-los".
Tothom va estar d'acord, i aviat el seu pis de Setagaya va estar ple de música, rialles i gent, inclosos molts fans joves. La Naoko, que havia provat drogues recentment, en va oferir algunes als seus amics. "Ei, has tingut això abans? T'ajuda a relaxar-te i és molt divertit".
Al principi, van dubtar, però la seva curiositat va guanyar i ho van provar. La festa es va anar fent més salvatge a mesura que avançava la nit i les dones van perdre el control.
Tomoko, atrapat per l'emoció, va dir: "Això és increïble! Em sento tan lliure i viu! Hauríem de fer-ho més!"
Chieko va estar d'acord: "Fa temps que no m'he divertit tant. Els nostres fans també ho gaudeixen!"
Amb el pas del temps, Twelve Forever va acollir més grans festes amb els fans. L'estil de vida salvatge va començar a afectar les seves relacions, la salut mental i el benestar.
Un matí, després d'una altra nit salvatge, l'Ayako va compartir les seves preocupacions. "Noies, em preocupa per nosaltres. Ens estem perdent en aquestes festes i drogues. Hem de recordar per què vam començar aquest viatge".
Malgrat les preocupacions d'Ayako, l'estil de vida salvatge era difícil de resistir. Les dones seguien anant a festes i consumint drogues, oblidant-se dels seus somnis i objectius originals.
Chapter 6: The Excess
Twelve Forever's popularity kept growing, and with it came more stress and expectations. To escape the pressure, the women started going to wild parties and trying drugs.
One evening, after a great concert, Yoko suggested they have a party to celebrate. "Girls, we've been working non-stop. Let's have fun tonight and relax a bit! We could invite some fans too. It would be a nice way to get to know them."
Everyone agreed, and soon their Setagaya flat was full of music, laughter, and people, including many young fans. Naoko, who had tried drugs recently, offered some to her friends. "Hey, have you had this before? It helps you relax, and it's quite fun."
At first, they hesitated, but their curiosity won, and they tried it. The party got wilder as the night went on, and the women lost control.
Tomoko, caught up in the excitement, said, "This is amazing! I feel so free and alive! We should do this more!"
Chieko agreed, "I haven't had this much fun in ages. Our fans are enjoying it too!"
As time went on, Twelve Forever hosted more big parties with fans. The wild lifestyle started to affect their relationships, mental health, and well-being.
One morning, after another wild night, Ayako shared her worries. "Girls, I'm concerned about us. We're getting lost in these parties and drugs. We need to remember why we started this journey."
Despite Ayako's worries, the wild lifestyle was difficult to resist. The women kept going to parties and using drugs, forgetting about their original dreams and goals.