Catalan | The Unlikely Idols
Els ídols improbables - B1
Capítol 8: El compte
La policia va investigar la mort del nen, que va provocar la detenció de Junko, Naoko, Tomoko i Haruko. Els membres restants de Twelve Forever estaven commocionats i tristos, lluitant per acceptar l'empresonament dels seus amics.
La Yoko, intentant no plorar, va dir: "No em puc creure que hagin estat detinguts. Tot això està passant tan ràpid, i sento que ho estem perdent tot".
Emiko, amb la veu tremolosa, va respondre: "No hem volgut mai que passés res d'això. Però hem d'afrontar els resultats de les nostres accions. Tant de bo hi hagués una manera d'ajudar els nostres amics".
A mesura que avançava el cas judicial, els membres restants de Twelve Forever van haver d'afrontar les dures conseqüències del seu estil de vida salvatge. Les seves vides havien capgirat i no sabien com avançar.
L'Ayako, sentint-se molt de greu, va dir: "Els nostres somnis s'han convertit en malsons. Hem de trobar una manera de fer les coses bé, no només per als nostres amics, sinó també per a aquell pobre noi i la seva família".
Sachiko va afegir: "Tens raó, Ayako. Hem d'aprendre d'això i ser millors persones. No podem deixar que els sacrificis dels nostres amics siguin en vano".
Quan el grup va afrontar la pèrdua dels seus amics i la seva reputació danyada, es van trobar en un punt d'inflexió. Semblava que s'havia acabat el seu temps com a ídols i es van qüestionar les seves prioritats i valors.
La Chieko, semblant decidida, va dir: "No podem canviar el passat, però podem treballar per un futur millor. Prometem-nos mútuament que aprendrem d'això i farem tot el possible per compensar els nostres errors".
La resta de membres de Twelve Forever van estar d'acord, prometent afrontar els reptes del futur i treballar per reconstruir les seves vides, tant per a ells com per als seus amics que havien de pagar el preu dels seus errors.
Chapter 8: The Reckoning
The police looked into the boy's death, which led to the arrest of Junko, Naoko, Tomoko, and Haruko. The remaining members of Twelve Forever were shocked and sad, struggling to accept their friends' imprisonment.
Yoko, trying not to cry, said, "I can't believe they've been arrested. This is all happening so quickly, and I feel like we're losing everything."
Emiko, her voice shaking, replied, "We never wanted any of this to happen. But we must face the results of our actions. I wish there was a way to help our friends."
As the court case went on, the remaining members of Twelve Forever had to confront the harsh consequences of their wild lifestyle. Their lives had been turned upside down, and they didn't know how to move forward.
Ayako, feeling very sorry, said, "Our dreams have become nightmares. We need to find a way to make things right, not just for our friends, but for that poor boy and his family too."
Sachiko added, "You're right, Ayako. We must learn from this and become better people. We can't let our friends' sacrifices be for nothing."
As the group dealt with the loss of their friends and their damaged reputation, they found themselves at a turning point. Their time as idols seemed to be over, and they questioned their priorities and values.
Chieko, sounding determined, said, "We can't change the past, but we can work towards a better future. Let's promise each other that we'll learn from this and do everything we can to make up for our mistakes."
The remaining members of Twelve Forever agreed, promising to face the challenges ahead and work towards rebuilding their lives, both for themselves and for their friends who had to pay the price for their mistakes.