Catalan | The Unlikely Idols

Els ídols improbables - B1

Capítol 9: Les conseqüències

Després de les detencions i l'escàndol, els membres restants de Twelve Forever es van sentir commocionats i tristos. Semblava que les seves carreres s'havien acabat i les opinions negatives de la gent sobre ells eren difícils de suportar.

La Yoko, pensant profundament, va dir: "No puc creure que tot hagi acabat tan ràpid. Vam tenir molt d'èxit, i ara... tot ha desaparegut".

L'Emiko, també sentint-se trista, va respondre: "Hem pres males decisions, Yoko. Hem d'entendre que les nostres accions ens han portat aquí. Però no podem deixar que això controli les nostres vides. Hem de trobar una manera de seguir endavant".

Les dones no van saber com reconstruir les seves vides després d'aquesta terrible experiència. Cadascun d'ells va pensar en les seves eleccions personals i en les conseqüències a què s'enfrontaven ara.

Sachiko, sentint que no hi havia esperança, va confessar: "Ara no sé què fer amb mi mateixa. Tota la meva vida va ser aproximadament Twelve Forever, i ara ja ha desaparegut".

L'Ayako, intentant ser positiva, va dir: "Encara ens tenim, Sachiko. Ens podem recolzar mútuament i trobar una manera de recuperar-nos. Només hem de prendre-ho un dia a la vegada".

Durant les properes setmanes, els membres restants de Twelve Forever van començar a crear-se noves vides. Alguns van trobar consol estar amb les seves famílies, mentre que altres van agafar noves aficions o van rebre ajuda de professionals per fer front a la seva tristesa i culpa.

La Chieko, parlant del seu progrés, va dir: "He tornat a començar a pintar. Fa molt de temps que no em sento feliç creant alguna cosa. M'està ajudant a trobar una raó per viure de nou".

Tot i que van intentar seguir endavant i reconstruir les seves vides, el record del seu passat es va quedar amb ells, recordant-los sempre el cost de la seva recerca de fama i èxit.

Chapter 9: The Aftermath

After the arrests and scandal, the remaining members of Twelve Forever felt shocked and sad. Their careers seemed to be over, and people's negative opinions about them were hard to bear.

Yoko, thinking deeply, said, "I can't believe everything ended so fast. We were very successful, and now... it's all gone."

Emiko, also feeling sad, replied, "We made bad decisions, Yoko. We must understand that our actions brought us here. But we can't let this control our lives. We need to find a way to move on."

The women didn't know how to rebuild their lives after this terrible experience. Each of them thought about their personal choices and the consequences they now faced.

Sachiko, feeling like there was no hope, confessed, "I don't know what to do with myself now. My whole life was about Twelve Forever, and now it's gone."

Ayako, trying to be positive, said, "We still have each other, Sachiko. We can support one another and find a way to recover. We just need to take it one day at a time."

Over the next few weeks, the remaining members of Twelve Forever started to create new lives for themselves. Some found comfort in being with their families, while others took up new hobbies or got help from professionals to deal with their sadness and guilt.

Chieko, talking about her progress, said, "I've started painting again. It's been a long time since I've felt happy creating something. It's helping me to find a reason to live again."

Even though they tried to move on and rebuild their lives, the memory of their past stayed with them, always reminding them of the cost of their search for fame and success.