Catalan | The Price of Sugar, the Cost of Love
El preu del sucre, el cost de l'amor - A2
Capítol 3: La caiguda d'Aimo i Eino
Antti estava al seu escriptori, sentint-se molt enfadat. Volia tornar a l'Aimo i l'Eino, els seus amics, per haver-lo traït. Va trucar a Anneli, la seva ajudant.
"Anneli, pots fer papers falsos dient que l'Aimo i l'Eino van fer coses dolentes?" va preguntar Antti.
"Estàs segur, Antti?" va respondre Anneli.
"Sí, n'estic segur. Ara, comença a treballar".
Al cap d'un temps, Antti va revisar els papers falsos. "Bon treball, Anneli. Els donaré a la policia".
Anneli semblava preocupada. "Antti, això és correcte?"
Antti va dir amb fermesa: "M'han fet mal. Han de pagar".
Aviat, Aimo i Eino van ser arrestats i enviats a la presó. Antti va mirar, sentint-se feliç de moment. Pensaria en tornar als altres més tard.
Chapter 3: Aimo and Eino's Downfall
Antti was at his desk, feeling very angry. He wanted to get back at Aimo and Eino, his friends, for betraying him. He called Anneli, his helper.
"Anneli, can you make fake papers saying Aimo and Eino did bad things?" Antti asked.
"Are you sure, Antti?" Anneli replied.
"Yes, I'm sure. Now, start working."
After some time, Antti checked the fake papers. "Good job, Anneli. I'll give these to the police."
Anneli looked worried. "Antti, is this right?"
Antti said firmly, "They hurt me. They must pay."
Soon, Aimo and Eino were arrested and sent to prison. Antti watched, feeling happy for now. He would think about getting back at others later.