Catalan | The Price of Sugar, the Cost of Love

El preu del sucre, el cost de l'amor - A2

Capítol 8: La família creix, la tristesa creix

La Liisa va mirar per la finestra de la cuina la bonica vista d'Hèlsinki. Va veure l'Antti al jardí, amb un aspecte trist.

"Antti, em pots ajudar?" ella va preguntar.

"Sí, amor", va dir, entrant. Però encara se sentia infeliç.

"Antti, sembla trist. Estàs bé?" va preguntar la Liisa.

"Sento que falta alguna cosa", va dir.

"Però tenim una família encantadora", va respondre la Liisa.

"No ets tu, Liisa. Només vull alguna cosa més", va explicar Antti.

"No et puc donar això", va dir la Liisa amb tristesa.

"T'estimo, Liisa", li va dir Antti.

"És suficient?" va preguntar, plorant.

Antti no sabia què dir. La seva vida feliç estava ara plena de tristesa.

Chapter 8: Family Grows, Sadness Grows

Liisa looked out of the kitchen window at the beautiful view in Helsinki. She saw Antti in the garden, looking sad.

"Antti, can you help me?" she asked.

"Yes, love," he said, coming inside. But he still felt unhappy.

"Antti, you seem sad. Are you okay?" Liisa asked.

"I feel something is missing," he said.

"But we have a lovely family," Liisa replied.

"It's not you, Liisa. I just want something more," Antti explained.

"I can't give you that," Liisa said sadly.

"I love you, Liisa," Antti told her.

"Is it enough?" she asked, crying.

Antti didn't know what to say. Their happy life was now full of sadness.