Catalan | The Price of Sugar, the Cost of Love
El preu del sucre, el cost de l'amor - B1
Capítol 3: La caiguda d'Aimo i Eino
Antti estava assegut al seu escriptori, donant cops amb els dits a la superfície brillant. No podia oblidar la imatge de l'iPad de la Liisa, mostrant missatges dels seus papas de sucre. Se sentia molt avergonyit, i això li va fer ganes de tornar-hi. Va triar començar amb Aimo i Eino, que eren els seus amics de negocis propers. Anirien a ser castigats pel que van fer.
Va trucar a la seva assistent fiable, Anneli. "Anneli, necessito la teva ajuda per fer alguns documents que mostrin que Aimo i Eino estan implicats en delictes greus de coll blanc".
Anneli va dubtar un moment. "Estàs segur d'això, Antti?"
"Sí, n'estic molt segur. I fes servir el Dropbox de l'empresa, si us plau. Farem que sembli que estan fent tràfic d'informació privilegiada i blanqueig de diners amb diners de vendes de caramels falsos. Pots fer-ho?"
"Puc, Antti. Però estàs segur que això és el correcte?" va preguntar l'Anneli amb cura.
La veu d'Antti es va fer més forta. "És l'únic que cal fer. Vull que sentin dolor com jo. Ara, comença a treballar".
Unes setmanes més tard, Antti i Anneli es van trobar a la seva oficina per mirar els papers falsos. "Bon treball, Anneli", va dir Antti mirant les proves falses. "Ara, m'asseguraré que les autoritats els rebin".
"Però Antti, això no va massa lluny?" va preguntar l'Anneli, preocupada.
"Han fet alguna cosa malament, Anneli. Em van trair, i ho pagaran." La veu d'Antti estava decidida.
Aimo i Eino van ser arrestats poc després basant-se en els papers que Antti havia plantat. El seu judici va ser ràpid i clar. Mentre se'ls emportaven emmanillats, Antti es va quedar fora del jutjat, sentint-se satisfet perquè els van condemnar llargues condemnes de presó.
"Espero que gaudeixin del seu temps a la presó", es va dir, pensant ja en els seus propers objectius: Hemmo, Toivo i Viljo. Però aquest pla hauria d'esperar. De moment, Antti estava content amb la caiguda d'Aimo i Eino, la seva necessitat de venjança satisfeta de moment.
Chapter 3: Aimo and Eino's Downfall
Antti was sitting at his desk, tapping his fingers on the shiny surface. He couldn't forget the image of Liisa's iPad, showing messages from her sugar daddies. He felt really embarrassed, and this made him want to get back at them. He chose to start with Aimo and Eino, who were his close business friends. They were going to be punished for what they did.
He called his reliable assistant, Anneli. "Anneli, I need your help to make some papers that show Aimo and Eino are involved in serious white-collar crimes."
Anneli hesitated for a moment. "Are you sure about this, Antti?"
"Yes, I'm very sure. And use the company's Dropbox, please. We'll make it look like they were doing insider trading and money laundering with money from fake candy sales. Can you do that?"
"I can, Antti. But are you certain this is the right thing to do?" Anneli asked carefully.
Antti's voice became stronger. "It's the only thing to do. I want them to feel pain like I have. Now, start working."
A few weeks later, Antti and Anneli met in his office to look at the fake papers. "Great job, Anneli," Antti said, looking at the false evidence. "Now, I'll make sure the authorities get these."
"But Antti, isn't this going too far?" Anneli asked, looking worried.
"They did something wrong, Anneli. They betrayed me, and they'll pay for it." Antti's voice was determined.
Aimo and Eino were arrested soon after based on the papers Antti had planted. Their trial was quick and clear. As they were taken away in handcuffs, Antti stood outside the court, feeling satisfied as they were given long prison sentences.
"I hope they enjoy their time in prison," he said to himself, already thinking about his next targets: Hemmo, Toivo, and Viljo. But that plan would have to wait. For now, Antti was happy with the downfall of Aimo and Eino, his need for revenge satisfied for the time being.