Catalan | The Price of Sugar, the Cost of Love

El preu del sucre, el cost de l'amor - B1

Capítol 11: La vida difícil de Liisa

La Liisa va sospirar mentre es mirava al mirall del bany. La llum brillant a sobre d'ella mostrava les línies de la seva cara i la pell solta del seu coll.

"D'acord, llavors", va xiuxiuejar, intentant somriure. Havia de preparar la seva cita aquesta nit. Un altre home per ajudar-li a pagar les factures.

A la sala d'estar, els seus fills discutien. Va respirar profundament i va dir: "Si us plau, calleu, nens! Necessito preparar-me".

El soroll va baixar. La Liisa es va maquillar per amagar les marques de la seva cara. Portava un vestit ajustat i uns talons alts, que li feien mal als peus.

Quan la Liisa va sortir del seu pis, va veure la seva veïna, la Susan. "Torneu a sortir, Liisa?" va preguntar la Susan.

"Sí", va dir la Liisa, fent veure que era feliç. "Una altra data".

"Vés amb compte, amor. Alguns d'aquests homes no són gaire agradables".

"Ho sé, Susan. Gràcies per cuidar."

La Liisa va anar al pub per conèixer la seva cita, en Bernard. Era baixet i tenia una gran panxa. "Hola, Liisa", va dir amb un somriure. "Et veus preciosa."

"Gràcies, Bernard", va respondre ella, tornant-li el somriure. "També et veus bé."

Parlaven entre copes. Bernard li va explicar la seva feina avorrida. La Liisa va actuar interessada, però realment estava pensant en el seu passat.

Bernard la tocava cada cop més. La Liisa el va deixar, recordant que necessitava els seus diners.

"Anem al meu pis, amor", va dir en Bernard, amb l'alè que feia olor a alcohol.

La Liisa va pensar un moment i va dir: "D'acord, Bernard. Anem".

A fora, el cel estava ennuvolat, amagant les estrelles. La Liisa trobava a faltar la seva antiga vida i es preguntava si tornaria a ser feliç. Però, de moment, havia de seguir vivint aquesta vida difícil per tenir cura de la seva família.

Chapter 11: Liisa's Difficult Life

Liisa sighed as she looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. The bright light above her showed the lines on her face and her neck's loose skin.

"Alright, then," she whispered, trying to smile. She had to prepare for her date tonight. Another man to help pay her bills.

In the living room, her children were arguing. She took a deep breath and said, "Please be quiet, kids! I need to get ready."

The noise got lower. Liisa put on makeup to hide the marks on her face. She wore a tight dress and high heels, which hurt her feet.

When Liisa left her flat, she saw her neighbour, Susan. "Going out again, Liisa?" Susan asked.

"Yes," Liisa said, pretending to be happy. "Another date."

"Be careful, love. Some of these men are not very nice."

"I know, Susan. Thanks for caring."

Liisa went to the pub to meet her date, Bernard. He was short and had a big belly. "Hello, Liisa," he said with a smile. "You look lovely."

"Thanks, Bernard," she replied, smiling back. "You look nice too."

They talked over drinks. Bernard told her about his boring job. Liisa acted interested, but she was really thinking about her past.

Bernard touched her more and more. Liisa let him, remembering she needed his money.

"Let's go to my flat, love," Bernard said, his breath smelling of alcohol.

Liisa thought for a moment and said, "Alright, Bernard. Let's go."

Outside, the sky was cloudy, hiding the stars. Liisa missed her old life and wondered if she would ever be happy again. But for now, she had to keep living this difficult life to take care of her family.