Catalan | The Price of Sugar, the Cost of Love

El preu del sucre, el cost de l'amor - B1

Capítol 4: El terrible accident de Hemmo

Antti es va asseure a la seva cadira, fregant-se el cap mentre pensava què havia de fer després. Amb Aimo i Eino desapareguts, era hora de centrar-se en Hemmo. El seu pla havia de ser perfecte i sabia la persona adequada per ajudar-lo. Va agafar el telèfon i va marcar un número.

"Hola, ets el pirata informàtic del qual he sentit parlar?" Va preguntar l'Antti, la seva veu fresca i sense emocions.

"Sí, qui ho pregunta?" la veu de l'altre extrem va respondre amb cura.

"No calen noms", va dir Antti, "Tinc una feina per a tu. Una feina molt concreta".

"D'acord", va respondre el pirata informàtic, "què necessites?"

Antti va explicar el seu pla, dient-li al pirata informàtic que entri en els sistemes de control del cotxe de Hemmo. Volia que el cotxe sortis de la carretera en un lloc determinat, on hi havia un graner ple d'ampolles de vidre velles que contenien àcid fòrmic. El pirata informàtic va acceptar i van començar a treballar en el pla.


Uns dies després, Hemmo conduïa a una reunió de negocis, sense saber què passaria. Va sentir que el seu telèfon vibrava i va mirar la pantalla. Era un text de la Liisa.

"Tinc ganes de veure't aquesta nit, guapo xx", deia.

Hemmo va somriure i el seu cor bategava més ràpid. Va tornar a posar el telèfon al portavasos i es va concentrar a la carretera.

De sobte, el cotxe es va desviar, accelerant i dirigint-se directament cap al graner. Hemmo va intentar controlar el cotxe, però semblava que estava fent el seu.

"Què està passant?" Va cridar Hemmo, espantant-se.

El cotxe va xocar contra les portes de fusta del graner i les ampolles de vidre es van trencar. Els vapors d'àcid fòrmic van omplir l'aire mentre el cotxe de Hemmo es va aturar de sobte.

Tossint i lluitant per respirar, Hemmo va intentar sortir del cotxe. Però el seu cinturó de seguretat estava enganxat i no es va poder alliberar.

"Ajuda! Algú, ajuda!" va cridar, però la seva veu era massa baixa en el caos.


Antti va rebre una trucada telefònica més tard aquell dia per explicar-li l'accident de Hemmo. Va fer veure que estava commocionat i preocupat, però per dins, estava content. El seu pla havia funcionat perfectament, i la vida de Hemmo mai seria la mateixa.

Aquell vespre, Antti es va servir una copa de whisky car i va celebrar el seu èxit. Va fer un glop, gaudint del gust, i després va posar el got sobre la taula. Va mirar una foto de la Liisa, la seva bellesa brillava des del marc.

"Vosaltres sou els següents, Toivo i Viljo", va dir en veu baixa, els ulls plens de determinació.

Chapter 4: Hemmo's Terrible Accident

Antti sat in his chair, rubbing his head as he thought about what to do next. With Aimo and Eino gone, it was time to focus on Hemmo. His plan had to be perfect, and he knew the right person to help him. He picked up his phone and dialled a number.

"Hello, are you the hacker I've heard about?" Antti asked, his voice cool and emotionless.

"Yes, who's asking?" the voice on the other end replied carefully.

"No need for names," Antti said, "I have a job for you. A very specific job."

"Alright," the hacker replied, "what do you need?"

Antti explained his plan, telling the hacker to break into Hemmo's car's control systems. He wanted the car to drive off the road at a certain place, where there was a barn full of old glass bottles containing formic acid. The hacker agreed, and they started working on the plan.


A few days later, Hemmo was driving to a business meeting, not knowing what was going to happen. He felt his phone vibrate and looked at the screen. It was a text from Liisa.

"Looking forward to seeing you tonight, handsome xx," it read.

Hemmo smiled and his heart beat faster. He put the phone back in the cup holder and concentrated on the road.

Suddenly, the car went off course, speeding up and heading straight for the barn. Hemmo tried to control the car, but it seemed to be doing its own thing.

"What's going on?" Hemmo shouted, getting scared.

The car crashed into the barn's wooden doors, and the glass bottles broke. Formic acid fumes filled the air as Hemmo's car stopped suddenly.

Coughing and struggling to breathe, Hemmo tried to get out of the car. But his seatbelt was stuck, and he couldn't break free.

"Help! Someone, help!" he called out, but his voice was too quiet in the chaos.


Antti got a phone call later that day, telling him about Hemmo's accident. He pretended to be shocked and worried, but inside, he was pleased. His plan had worked perfectly, and Hemmo's life would never be the same.

That evening, Antti poured himself a glass of expensive whisky and celebrated his success. He took a sip, enjoying the taste, and then put the glass on the table. He looked at a photo of Liisa, her beauty shining from the frame.

"You're next, Toivo and Viljo," he said quietly, his eyes full of determination.