Catalan | The Price of Sugar, the Cost of Love

El preu del sucre, el cost de l'amor - B1

Capítol 6: Escapada a Bielorússia

Toivo caminava d'anada i tornada pel pis cutre, semblant preocupat. "Això és terrible, Viljo. Ho hem perdut tot i ara estem atrapats en aquest lloc horrible".

Viljo va sospirar, semblant preocupat. "Ho sé, company. Mai vaig pensar que acabaríem així. Abans teníem una gran vida, i ara mira'ns".

Toivo va mirar al seu voltant el petit i deteriorat pis, el paper pintat que s'estava pelant i la catifa gastada els recordava la seva caiguda en desgràcia. "Tot és a causa d'aquell Antti horrible. No em puc creure que ens hagi enganyat així".

"Estàvem desesperats, Toivo. Es va aprofitar de nosaltres", va dir Viljo, emotiu. "Ens ha arruïnat la vida, i no sabem per què".

Mentre s'asseien al sofà incòmode, en Toivo es va fregar el cap, sentint que començava un mal de cap. "Hem de trobar una manera de sortir d'aquest embolic, Viljo. No ens podem amagar a Bielorússia per sempre".

Viljo va assentir, semblant seriós. "Ho he estat pensant, Toivo. I si intentem trobar feina aquí? No serà el mateix que abans, però tindríem diners".

Toivo va riure. "De debò creus que podem trobar bons llocs de treball aquí? No parlem l'idioma. No, necessitem un pla diferent".

Viljo va mirar en Toivo, amb els ulls plens d'esperança. "Bé, què suggereixes? Estem atrapats aquí, company. No podem tornar a Finlàndia. Devem massa diners".

Toivo va sospirar, recolzant-se al sofà. "No ho sé, Viljo. Només... no ho sé."

Durant un moment, els dos homes es van asseure en silenci, la seva difícil situació els va pesar molt. El trist suburbi de Minsk a l'exterior de la seva finestra semblava burlar-se del seu problema.

Va parlar en Viljo, amb veu baixa però forta. "Trobarem la manera, Toivo. Ho hem de fer. No ens podem rendir."

Toivo va mirar el seu amic amb la cara trista i decidida. "Tens raó, Viljo. No podem deixar guanyar Antti. Trobarem la manera de començar de nou la nostra vida, encara que trigui anys".

Junts, els dos homes van començar a planificar el seu futur incert a Bielorússia, i el trist pis es va convertir en el seu lloc segur mentre s'enfrontaven als reptes que els esperaven.

Chapter 6: Escaping to Belarus

Toivo walked back and forth in the shabby flat, looking worried. "This is terrible, Viljo. We've lost everything and now we're stuck in this awful place."

Viljo sighed, looking concerned. "I know, mate. I never thought we'd end up like this. We used to have a great life, and now look at us."

Toivo looked around the small, run-down flat, the peeling wallpaper and worn-out carpet reminding them of their fall from grace. "It's all because of that horrible Antti. I can't believe he tricked us like that."

"We were desperate, Toivo. He took advantage of us," Viljo said, sounding emotional. "He's ruined our lives, and we don't know why."

As they sat on the uncomfortable sofa, Toivo rubbed his head, feeling a headache starting. "We need to find a way out of this mess, Viljo. We can't hide in Belarus forever."

Viljo nodded, looking serious. "I've been thinking about that, Toivo. What if we try to find work here? It won't be the same as before, but we'd have some money."

Toivo laughed. "Do you really think we can find good jobs here? We don't speak the language. No, we need a different plan."

Viljo looked at Toivo, his eyes full of hope. "Well, what do you suggest? We're stuck here, mate. We can't go back to Finland. We owe too much money."

Toivo sighed, leaning back on the sofa. "I don't know, Viljo. I just… I don't know."

For a moment, the two men sat quietly, their difficult situation weighing heavily on them. The grim Minsk suburb outside their window seemed to make fun of their problem.

Viljo spoke, his voice quiet but strong. "We'll find a way, Toivo. We must. We can't just give up."

Toivo looked at his friend, his face both sad and determined. "You're right, Viljo. We can't let Antti win. We'll find a way to start our lives again, even if it takes years."

Together, the two men started to plan their uncertain future in Belarus, the dreary flat becoming their safe place as they faced the challenges ahead.