Catalan | The Price of Sugar, the Cost of Love
El preu del sucre, el cost de l'amor - B1
Capítol 8: Una família creixent i un descontentament creixent
La Liisa estava a la cuina, mirant la bonica vista de l'arxipèlag d'Hèlsinki. Estava fent el dinar per a la família quan va veure l'Antti parada a prop del jardí, perduda en els seus pensaments.
"Antti, amor, em pots ajudar?" va cridar, fent-li un gest.
La va mirar i va intentar somriure. "Per descomptat, estimat", va dir, caminant cap a la casa. Quan va entrar a la cuina, va sentir que alguna cosa li faltava a la vida.
"Antti, has estat distant últimament", va dir la Liisa, preocupada. "Està tot bé?"
Va dubtar, sense saber com explicar la seva creixent infelicitat. "No ho sé, Liisa. Sento que falta alguna cosa, com si hi hagués un buit dins meu que no puc omplir".
La Liisa semblava preocupada i li va tocar el braç. "Però tenim una vida meravellosa aquí, amb els nostres encantadors fills. Què podria faltar?"
Antti va negar amb el cap, intentant explicar els seus sentiments. "No es tracta de la nostra vida junts, Liisa. Es tracta de mi. Trobo a faltar l'emoció, l'emoció de la persecució, la passió d'una nova aventura".
"Ja veig", va dir la Liisa en veu baixa, amb la veu tremolosa. "Sóc jo? M'he avorrit?"
"No, Liisa, no ets tu", li va dir Antti. "Ets tan bonica i interessant com el dia que ens vam conèixer. És que... em trobo desitjant alguna cosa més, alguna cosa diferent".
A la Liisa li feia mal el cor, però sabia que no podia canviar com se sentia l'Antti. "No et puc donar aquesta il·lusió, Antti. No puc ser algú nou".
"Ja ho sé", va dir Antti en veu baixa, mirant cap avall. "Mai no vaig voler fer-te mal, Liisa. T'estimo i la nostra família més que res".
—Però no n'hi ha prou, oi? Va preguntar la Liisa amb llàgrimes als ulls.
Antti no va poder respondre. Es va quedar allà, mirant el terra, sabent que les seves paraules havien canviat el seu matrimoni per sempre. La Liisa va mirar cap a la finestra, plorant, mentre l'Antti intentava trobar les paraules per arreglar la distància creixent entre ells. Però les paraules no van arribar mai, i la parella que abans era feliç es va quedar en silenci, atrapada en els seus pensaments i el creixent descontentament que amenaçava de separar-los.
Chapter 8: A Growing Family and Growing Discontent
Liisa was in the kitchen, looking at the lovely view of the Helsinki archipelago. She was making lunch for the family when she saw Antti standing near the garden, lost in thought.
"Antti, love, can you help me?" she called, waving him over.
He looked at her and tried to smile. "Of course, darling," he said, walking towards the house. As he went into the kitchen, he felt that something was missing from his life.
"Antti, you've been distant lately," Liisa said, worried. "Is everything alright?"
He hesitated, not sure how to explain his growing unhappiness. "I don't know, Liisa. I just feel like something is missing, like there's an emptiness inside me that I can't fill."
Liisa looked worried and touched his arm. "But we have a wonderful life here, with our lovely children. What could possibly be missing?"
Antti shook his head, trying to explain his feelings. "It's not about our life together, Liisa. It's about me. I miss the excitement, the thrill of the chase, the passion of a new adventure."
"I see," Liisa said quietly, her voice shaking. "Is it me? Have I become boring?"
"No, Liisa, it's not you," Antti told her. "You're as beautiful and interesting as the day we met. It's just... I find myself wanting something more, something different."
Liisa's heart hurt, but she knew she couldn't change how Antti felt. "I can't give you that excitement, Antti. I can't be someone new."
"I know," Antti said quietly, looking down. "I never meant to hurt you, Liisa. I love you and our family more than anything."
"But it's not enough, is it?" Liisa asked, tears in her eyes.
Antti couldn't answer. He just stood there, looking at the floor, knowing that his words had changed their marriage forever. Liisa looked back at the window, crying, as Antti tried to find the words to fix the growing distance between them. But the words never came, and the once-happy couple stood in silence, caught in their thoughts and the growing discontent that threatened to pull them apart.