Catalan | Trainwreck Casanova

Trainwreck Casanova – A2

Capítol 3: Despertar

La màquina de l'hospital va sonar, despertant l'Steve. Va veure el sostre blanc i es va sentir confós.

Una infermera va dir: "Senyor Thompson, està despert! Com se sent?"

"On sóc?" va preguntar feblement l'Steve.

"Estàs a l'hospital. Vas tenir un accident", va respondre amablement.

Steve va recordar l'accident del tren. Va sentir dolor quan va intentar seure. La infermera li va explicar les seves ferides i que va estar tres setmanes en coma.

Steve va pensar en la seva vida solitària i va decidir canviar. Va llegir un llibre anomenat "El joc" sobre recollir noies i va parlar amb el seu terapeuta, Mark, sobre això.

Steve va preguntar: "Em pot ajudar a conèixer noies?"

Mark va dir: "Tingueu confiança, però tracteu els altres amb amabilitat".

Steve va conèixer una pacient, Jenny, i van parlar de canviar les seves vides. Steve va prometre ser millor i més confiat amb les noies.

Chapter 3: Waking Up

The hospital machine beeped, waking Steve up. He saw the white ceiling and felt confused.

A nurse said, "Mr. Thompson, you're awake! How do you feel?"

"Where am I?" Steve asked weakly.

"You're in hospital. You had an accident," she answered kindly.

Steve remembered the train crash. He felt pain when he tried to sit up. The nurse told him about his injuries and that he was in a coma for three weeks.

Steve thought about his lonely life and decided to change. He read a book called "The Game" about picking up girls and talked to his therapist, Mark, about it.

Steve asked, "Can it help me meet girls?"

Mark said, "Be confident, but treat others kindly."

Steve met a patient, Jenny, and they talked about changing their lives. Steve promised to become better and more confident with girls.