Catalan | Trainwreck Casanova
Trainwreck Casanova – A2
Capítol 11: La vida als rails
Steve va posar el petit cap de l'estació al costat de l'andana. El timbre va sonar. Va obrir la porta i va veure el seu veí, Ian.
"Hola, Steve. Tens un paquet. Més trens?" va preguntar en Ian.
"Sí", va dir l'Steve. "Tinc noves locomotores i carruatges".
"T'encanten els trens", va somriure en Ian. "Vas a la Convenció del Model Ferrocarril?"
"Sí, estic emocionat", va respondre Steve.
"Has pensat a fer recorreguts pel teu model de ferrocarril?" va preguntar en Ian.
"Potser algun dia", va dir Steve.
"D'acord, diverteix-te", va dir l'Ian, marxant.
Steve va tornar als seus trens. Va mirar una foto d'amics als quals també els agradaven els trens. "Potser és hora de compartir la meva passió", va pensar.
Chapter 11: Life on the Rails
Steve put the small station master next to the platform. The doorbell rang. He opened the door and saw his neighbour, Ian.
"Hi, Steve. You got a package. More trains?" Ian asked.
"Yes," Steve said. "I got new locomotives and carriages."
"You love trains," Ian smiled. "Are you going to the Model Railway Convention?"
"Yes, I'm excited," Steve replied.
"Have you thought about giving tours of your model railway?" Ian asked.
"Maybe someday," Steve said.
"Alright, have fun," Ian said, leaving.
Steve went back to his trains. He looked at a photo of friends who liked trains too. "Maybe it's time to share my passion," he thought.