Catalan | Trainwreck Casanova
Trainwreck Casanova – A2
Capítol 5: Provant coses noves
Steve es va esforçar molt per conèixer dones, però no va tenir molta sort. Va demanar ajuda en un lloc web.
Steve: "No sóc bo per conèixer dones. Què he de fer?"
PickupMaster99: "Seguiu intentant-ho. Tingueu confiança".
TrainLover44: "És difícil, però no et rendeixis".
Steve va decidir ser més ell mateix. Va conèixer l'Emily en línia.
Steve: "Hola Emily, t'agrada la història i els viatges. Els trens van canviar molt la Gran Bretanya".
Emily: "Això és interessant. Digues-me més".
L'Steve i l'Emily van parlar dels trens i van decidir reunir-se per prendre un cafè. Steve es va sentir nerviós però emocionat. Sabia que estava aprenent, però hi havia més coses per venir.
Chapter 5: Trying New Things
Steve tried hard to meet women, but he didn't have much luck. He asked for help on a website.
Steve: "I'm not good at meeting women. What should I do?"
PickupMaster99: "Keep trying. Be confident."
TrainLover44: "It's hard, but don't give up."
Steve decided to be himself more. He met Emily online.
Steve: "Hi Emily, you like history and travel. Trains changed Britain a lot."
Emily: "That's interesting. Tell me more."
Steve and Emily talked about trains and decided to meet for coffee. Steve felt nervous but excited. He knew he was learning, but there was more to come.