Catalan | Trainwreck Casanova
Trainwreck Casanova – A2
Capítol 8: Comencen els problemes
Steve va tornar a casa i li va ensenyar un diari a Mark. Tenia la cara a sobre, i les notícies eren dolentes. Steve estava molt molest.
Marc va llegir la història. "Steve, realment has fet això?"
Steve va dir: "Hi va haver una festa amb nata i coses, però no vaig forçar ningú. Estava bé!"
Mark li va dir: "No es veu bé. Hi ha molta informació, i sembla que tenen proves".
Steve estava enfadat. "Per què fan això? Vaig pensar que tots ens estàvem divertint!"
Mark va dir: "Has d'estar preparat. Això serà difícil, però t'ajudaré".
Van parlar més i en Mark va marxar. Steve estava trist, però sabia que s'enfrontarien al problema junts.
Chapter 8: Trouble Starts
Steve came back home and showed Mark a newspaper. His face was on it, and the news was bad. Steve was very upset.
Mark read the story. "Steve, did you really do this?"
Steve said, "There was a party with whipped cream and stuff, but I didn't force anyone. It was okay!"
Mark told him, "It doesn't look good. There's a lot of information, and it seems like they have proof."
Steve was angry. "Why are they doing this? I thought we were all having fun!"
Mark said, "You need to be ready. This will be hard, but I'll help you."
They talked more, and Mark left. Steve was sad, but he knew they would face the problem together.