Catalan | Jaap in Moscow

Jaap a Moscou – A2

Capítol 9: Estar amb la família

A Amsterdam, Jaap es va sentir millor al costat de la seva família i amics. El seu amor i suport el van ajudar a afrontar la seva tristesa.

El pare de Jaap el va abraçar i li va dir: "Està bé tenir-te de tornada, Jaap. Estem aquí per a tu".

"Gràcies, pare", va respondre Jaap, emocionat.

Mentre treballava a la caseta de tulipes, Jaap va trobar una mica de pau. La seva amiga Sophie el va convidar a una nit de jocs amb els amics. Al principi, en Jaap va dubtar però després va acceptar, sabent que havia d'afrontar el seu dolor i aprendre a viure de nou, mantenint sempre viva la memòria de la Nadya.

Chapter 9: Being with Family

In Amsterdam, Jaap felt better being around his family and friends. Their love and support helped him deal with his sadness.

Jaap's father hugged him, saying, "It's good to have you back, Jaap. We're here for you."

"Thanks, Dad," Jaap replied, emotional.

While working at the tulip booth, Jaap found some peace. His friend Sophie invited him to a game night with friends. At first, Jaap hesitated but then agreed, knowing he needed to face his grief and learn to live again, always keeping Nadya's memory alive.