Catalan | Jaap in Moscow

Jaap a Moscou – A2

Capítol 12: Una trobada inesperada

Jaap havia estat gaudint del seu temps a Amsterdam, fent nous amics i tornant a connectar amb els antics. Va ser convidat a una festa pel seu amic Tom.

"Hola, Jaap, fa molts anys! Vine a la meva festa aquest cap de setmana", va dir Tom.

"Segur, Tom. M'encantaria", va acceptar Jaap, amb ganes de posar-se al dia amb tothom.

A la festa, en Jaap s'ho passava molt bé, rient i xerrant amb els amics. A mesura que avançava la nit, es va trobar parlant amb algú nou en un racó tranquil.

"Hola Jaap, et ve de gust provar una mica d'això?" va preguntar el desconegut, mostrant una petita bossa de pols blanca.

Jaap va dubtar, pensant en la Nadya. "No n'estic segur, no ho he fet mai".

"És una mica divertit, company", va insistir el desconegut.

Sentint pressió i desitjant un descans dels seus tristos records, Jaap va cedir. "D'acord, només aquesta vegada".

Malauradament, Jaap no sabia quina força era la droga. Va prendre massa i va tenir una sobredosi mortal, la seva vida va acabar com la de Nadya.

Chapter 12: An Unexpected Encounter

Jaap had been enjoying his time in Amsterdam, making new friends and reconnecting with old ones. He was invited to a party by his friend Tom.

"Hey Jaap, it's been ages! Come to my party this weekend," Tom said.

"Sure, Tom. I'd love to," Jaap agreed, looking forward to catching up with everyone.

At the party, Jaap was having a great time, laughing and chatting with friends. As the evening went on, he found himself talking to someone new in a quiet corner.

"Hey Jaap, fancy trying some of this?" the stranger asked, showing a small bag of white powder.

Jaap hesitated, thinking about Nadya. "I'm not sure, I've never done it."

"It's just a bit of fun, mate," the stranger insisted.

Feeling pressure and wanting a break from his sad memories, Jaap gave in. "Alright, just this once."

Sadly, Jaap didn't know how strong the drug was. He took too much and had a deadly overdose, his life ending much like Nadya's had.