Catalan | Jaap in Moscow

Jaap a Moscou – A2

Capítol 10: Tulipes

Jaap encara es sentia trist per haver perdut la Nadya i va començar a tenir somnis espantosos sobre les tulipes. Una nit, va trucar a la Sophie i li va dir: "Sophie, tinc por. Les tulipes abans em feien feliç, però ara estan en els meus malsons".

La Sophie va escoltar atentament i va respondre: "Jaap, sembla que encara estàs lluitant amb els teus sentiments. Potser les tulipes et recorden que intentes oblidar la teva tristesa".

Jaap hi va pensar i va dir: "Potser tens raó. Vaig pensar que estava millorant, però encara em sento perdut".

La Sophie va suggerir: "Per què no proves de parlar amb un terapeuta? Et poden ajudar a entendre els teus sentiments".

Jaap va acceptar, i després d'anar a teràpia, va començar a sentir-se millor. Li va dir a Sophie: "Gràcies a tu, m'estic curant. El teu suport ha estat molt important".

La Sophie va somriure i va dir: "Estic encantada d'ajudar, Jaap. Recorda que estem tots aquí per tu".

Chapter 10: Tulips

Jaap was still feeling sad about losing Nadya, and he started having scary dreams about tulips. One night, he called Sophie and said, "Sophie, I'm scared. The tulips used to make me happy, but now they're in my nightmares."

Sophie listened carefully and replied, "Jaap, it sounds like you're still struggling with your feelings. Maybe the tulips remind you of trying to forget your sadness."

Jaap thought about it and said, "You might be right. I thought I was getting better, but I still feel lost."

Sophie suggested, "Why don't you try talking to a therapist? They can help you understand your feelings."

Jaap agreed, and after going to therapy, he started feeling better. He told Sophie, "Thanks to you, I'm healing. Your support has been so important."

Sophie smiled and said, "I'm happy to help, Jaap. Remember, we're all here for you."